Do you expect your dog to explode with the force of 400 pounds of TNT?
I talk to people who are against corruption, against racism, believe the medical industry is broken, monopolies are bad, etc. Seems we agree on a lot of basic principles yet they are still voting trump tho. WTF?
In some religions walking away from the church means being excluded from family, social, and business contacts. So cutting ties with everyone you know basically.
The consequences are 100% on him and 0% on you.
He chose to be a douche and is presuming on others to keep this under wraps so he can continue being abusive. Playing along with his secrecy game only helps the abuser. You have absolutely no obligation to keep this private, and moreover you have digital evidence in the form of a text message.
Ok, I'll go:
The Will Smith I, Robot movie took its title from the classic Issac Asimov imagining of a future of robots that coexist productively with humans due to his Three Laws of Robotics. Asimov's work is an optimistic statement on the power of science and reasoning to construct a utopian world. The Will Smith movie instead delivers a message of "Robots R Bad And Will Kill U All", completely disregarding the whole point of the source material. They could have named it something else since it had almost nothing in common with the actual book, but instead they chose to take a giant dump on Asimov's legacy.
If you require developers to update apps that still work just to keep them on the store, you're going to lose apps for no reason. Not every app needs updates to keep working.
The thinkpad-x13s-snapdragon is fanless and uses a qualcomm snapdragon processor, so an ARM like the macs use but lower performance. Batttery life is reputedly in the 20+ hour range.
- kinda pricey, 1K
- this arm chip is slow compared to macs.
- out of the mainstream so better do your homework on whether linux is well supported.
Laptops based on the snapdragon elite processors will come out this year, and performance should be comparable to the Mx macs. So maybe better to wait. Although, those may be considerably more expensive, and who knows what linux support will be like, especially at first.
Lesson learned: don't name your surveillance tool EvilFaceRecognition.exe
Wow turns out loan forgiveness is a great idea after all! For corrupt republican shitbags.
Mad she didn't get invited to a concert my GF bought tickets to. Welp