At this point it's too late for them to do anything short of something really awesome. I would vote Dem the rest of my life if just one of them would do it..
He hasn't actually left office yet and they'll be picking a new person from the same party so probably not much different. I think it's happening in March?
Semiconductors and all kinds of other commercial uses for gold, but it is kind of specific given the rest of the list
Kids? That's the marines specialty
It's at least $50 billion a year for the IHS
Any time I see politicians in a row I think about those rad 2 for 1 shots you can do in video games
The first two things they should already be doing all the time. It would actually be funny if there was a way to make the inauguration crowd small af, but funny is all it would be. The kazoo bit makes my whole body hurt just reading it
The base they were both at was Fort Bragg, which is where a lot of the training for special forces happens. At least it did a long time ago, figure it's probably the same now. Basically they all spend a lot of time there and they also go to language school there, so it's really likely that any SF who was in the army at the same time was probably at Fort Bragg at the same time.
The Bentonville, Ark., chain founded by billionaire Sam Walton got its start 28 years ago by opening stores in rural towns like the 5,600-population Hearne. The 1,485-store, 32-state chain is the fastest growing retailer in the USA. K mart is its chief rival.
But it also has a reputation for hurting small-town businesses that can't match the lower prices the chain can offer due to volume buying.
The Wal-Mart effect has been so huge it's spawned the formation of consulting firms that specialize in advising small-town businesses on handling the arrival of a Wal-Mart.
—Julie Morris, “Store shuts doors on Texas town,” USA Today, October 11, 1990
This story seems to play out a lot with the US govt. Likely due to the lack of any real long-term planning.
- Oh no China is taking some of our control over X
- Do nothing for a while
- Scramble to stop China from completely taking over X
- Waste billions on propaganda, cost everyone money via tariffs, sanctions, bans, etc
- Realize it was never going to work and give up
- Do nothing for a while
- Start at step 1 again
Without looking into it at all, I can almost promise you it's "the jews"
this is just so he can replace them with loyalists