“For every blue-collar Democrat we lose in western Pennsylvania, we will pick up two moderate Republicans in the suburbs in Philadelphia, and you can repeat that in Ohio and Illinois and Wisconsin.” -Chuck Schumer, July 2016
Trump won the primary but somehow there's a limitless supply of moderate Republicans begging to be persuaded to vote for the Democrats... Marvelous things are happening in Chuck Schumer's mind
The main hole in their plan is if they want to grab "moderate" republicans (I'll just assume they mean "guy who religiously votes Republican but not for any articulable reasons.") besides already being a flawed strategy when the pool of non-voters is so huge, is that they absolutely refuse to do anything positive for basically anyone who isn't in the petit bourgeois (or obviously the mega rich capitalists).
Passing what amount to tax credits (as opposed to refunds or just "free") which are heavily means tested... appeals to absolutely fucking no one. Most people don't even understand how it works, for one, (by design, btw) and for those who do we can see "Oh, this is just a way to pretend you did something while not doing anything really and wrapping it all in multiple layers of lies and bullshit. And you wonder why everyone hates you?"
If they want people to think "Wow! That Chuck guy! He helped me!" you just give people a free fucking heat pump for their home. (Referring to that IRA bill). You don't delay it for 3 fucking years either and let states putz around. You pass the bill, once it's signed into law, you get shit going immediately. You don't means test and act annoying with the money as if there is a shortage of fucking monopoly money. You just give people the shit. The guy in the suburbs who voted for Trump will remember "Well, Trump sure owned the libs, but Chuck and his party gave me a free fridge, water heater, heat pump..."
And obviously I'm using these examples to appeal to who Chuck wants to have vote for him. There's a lot of other easy ways to get people to suck off the democrats until they die but all of it requires making an absolute minimum effort to increase people's material conditions. The first party who bothers to do that instead of only focusing on sending another $8B to Israel will lock shit down forever. People celebrated those less-than-crumbs covid checks. Those checks which should've been per person, per month for like two years. But people still were so goddamn happy to get them. You'd think if a party gave half of an ounce of shit about winning... they'd just shove checks up everyone's asses in Aug, Sept, Oct, and you vote in Nov. I guess ol' Chucky just doesn't like winning. He sure loves whining though.
i literally didn't even know about the heat pump thing.
explains why my neighbors suddenly had theirs replaced and their hot water heater recently replaced as well
they are farmers and likely pretty plugged into the federal program sphere. i am not. great advertising, dems
"Won" is an understatememt. He steamrolled them. No one else has any sort of a chance.
"We gave your boss a tax cut, what more do you want?".
She ran the perfect campaign!
Clearly racism and misogyny plays some role in it, but Harris/SomeGuyIForgot was short something like 6 million votes of Biden/Harris. This liberal talking point is one of the most frustrating because it is also exactly what trump says when shit is obviously not perfect.
Even 2012 Obama only lost ~4M votes compared to 2008 Obama. Dems are becoming more and more disillusioned as time goes on, which should be a good thing except in the Burgereich it means they get more fascist because one time a communist corrected them on twitter about some historical fact
I wanted to say Tim Cain but I know that's wrong, but like...it's not really wrong
I think that was the Clinton pick IIRC and this one was someone Walz?
"Yo soy Tim Cain" lives free in my head it's the only reason I remember him
Didn't someone do a "Tim Cain in the membrane" parody song?
Haven’t heard his name since everyone immediately forgot his existence the nanosecond Trump won
Didn't help that they were trying to shuffle him out even before the election to advertise Liz Cheney instead.
Future Democratic President Liz Cheney with Vice President...uh, one of W's kids?
Walzed right out of our minds, some might say
It was more like 12 million lol. Also imo you'd expect all of the people who were too racist/misogynist to vote for Harris to flip to Trump (how many are going to go to Jill Stein?), and he only gained ~3 million, so that's 9 million people who just stayed home.
Obviously this is cope about how a combination of support for genocide abroad and neoliberal policies at home likely cost them the election.
The initial returns were low, but Harris got 75 million on the final tally out of 152 million final votes vs 2020 when Biden got 81 million votes out of 155 million.
So there was a drop off but it's not as a big as it was initially reported.
Good to know, thanks for the correction.
hmm maybe if we blame the working class some more they'll come to their senses?
Holy mother of fuck do I hate the leadership of the democratic party.
it's his turn on the stairs
Motherfucker, communication to your constituents is a big part of your fucking job. Even if I were to accept your bullshit blame game, whose fault is it that working families weren't aware of what you were accomplishing? There are probably fewer than 10 Democrats in all of Congress who are good communicators, and the party tends to try to suppress them. But that's not as big a problem as the party insisting on attempting to court conservatives. Instead of swinging right to achieve literally 0% more Republicans than in 2020, maybe try swinging left to court some of the 33.4% of voters who didn't vote at all in 2020, which rose to 36.1% in 2024.
But what the fuck do I know. I'm just a regular working class American who's pissed off at out of touch politicians letting capitalists fuck us all over, not some think tank guru or poli sci staffer. But if you try to run Liz Cheney as a Democrat in 2028, I'm leaving the country before the Vance-Desantis ticket wins the presidency.
It’s never the stagnant leadership that sits there governing for personal enrichment and their dumb grudges with each other at fault
If you changed their wardrobe and teleported them to something like pre-revolution France they'd fit right in with a bunch of nobles frittering around Versailles
Bidenomics cannot fail. It can only be failed.
You know how you don't exactly get frustrated with Republicans because they never even pretended to be on your side? Like they're obviously evil but you wouldn't say you're disappointed in them. I think that's where I'm at with Democrats now.
Yep, now that frustration is reserved for “leftists”
NY democrats are genuinely the worst in the country
“Voters are too stupid to understand how good the status quo is for them,” says old guard servant of the oligarchy.
If this last election wasn’t a wake up call to quit moving the Overton window to the right, I don’t know what will be. The Democratic Party is downgrading itself to controlled opposition.
When we massacre middle easterners, we do that for you you stupid ungrateful pieces of shit
The Democrats' worldview revolves entirely around the position that "the party cannot fail, only be failed"
Okay, let's pretend they actually did good things:
You had access to over a billion dollars to inform people about the things you did (as well as extreme publicity from switching candidates). Even if this attitude is correct, it's still entirely the Dems failure
Even if that were true, why didn't you use your huge campaign infrastructure to inform them on what you did? That's kinda your job?
Charles E. Schumer proving to be even more of a robotic puppet without a soul or ability to emotionally connect to human beings than his namesake, Charles Entertainment Cheese.
Schumer is so out of touch. He's too rich to understand middle class America
I hate that this is the freeze frame ken picked
even if it were true - sorry that messaging effectively is necessary if you want to win an election dumbass! not "working families" fault you and your proxies at CNN or whatever can't/won't do it!
Maybe both parties should be asking why Luigi is a hero to non- C suite people all over this country and try to fix those structural inequities before more Luigis appear to address them. Sorry Chuck, you guys haven't done shit, and no one believes you ever will. You only get votes because the fascists are even worse and no other party will ever be viable due to your collusion with the fascists.
If everyone in Congress died tomorrow, we wouldn't mourn you.
I mean people have been throwing around bullshit ideas over blame for months now and you can beat around the bush all you want, but average working families' unwillingness to realize this is the unavoidable conclusion here.
Some party hack decreed that the people had lost the government's confidence and could only regain it with redoubled effort. If that is the case, would it not be be simpler, if the government simply dissolved the people and elected another? - Brecht
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