[-] sexywheat@hexbear.net 55 points 3 weeks ago

So a friend of mine just told me that shortly after the Elon Musk sieg heil salute there was a video recorded from behind him which showed him click his heels together when he did the nazi salute (both times), eliminating any doubt whatsoever what his intention with that gesture was.

Now, try as he might, he can't find the video anywhere - he seems to think it's been completely scrubbed from the web.

Anybody else seen this? Clearly Google has scrubbed it, but I also briefly checked Yandex and I'm not seeing anything there either.

Any ideas on how to track this down?

[-] sexywheat@hexbear.net 59 points 1 month ago

Did he think Western NGOs actually delivered aid?

I mean sure some of them do but ... yea

[-] sexywheat@hexbear.net 56 points 1 month ago

Some staffers pasted pieces of paper on the opaque screens that read, for example, “assorted sports drinks & coffee.”

Lol. Lmao.

[-] sexywheat@hexbear.net 58 points 2 months ago* (last edited 2 months ago)

"if the occupation stops imposing new conditions" seems like a load-bearing part of that sentence yea

[-] sexywheat@hexbear.net 56 points 2 months ago

determined the manner of death to be suicide




submitted 3 months ago* (last edited 3 months ago) by sexywheat@hexbear.net to c/chapotraphouse@hexbear.net

She got half of Burgerland to think that everything they don't like is Russian propaganda, that the evil Russians helped Trump steal the 2016 election, Russia Russia Russia, it's the ultimate thought-terminating cliche now. And even in the face of cold, hard evidence to the contrary (ie: Mueller report, off the top of my head) Libs just stomp their feet and insist that it's still RUSSIAAAAA!!!!!1

I guess Bill O'Riely would be the Republican equivalent of her, but his oafishness and toxic masculinity got the best of him and he ~~ended up losing everything~~ got a multi-million dollar severance package from Fox News and then faded into irrelevancy.

Seriously though, I can't think of anybody that could rival Maddow in terms of how effectively she brainwashed tens of millions of Burgerlanders into believing an absolute, absurd fantasy. You can't have anything that resembles a level-headed discussion with any Lib anymore, largely due to her influence (and others of course, but I feel like she's the most prominent figure in this regard).

Can you think of anyone that could rival her impact? Who else would be in the same league of propagandists in this day?

EDIT: Obviously I forgot to mention Tucker Carlson, but he also got kicked off Fox lol

submitted 3 months ago by sexywheat@hexbear.net to c/slop@hexbear.net

I swear to god these are the dumbest fucking people in the world. Every single top comment is screaming about Putin and Russia. MSNBC has truly rotted their tiny brains.

Put on your hazmat suit before clicking (Extreme CW warning: major braindead lib energy)

reddit-logo link

Is she critical of the war in Ukraine or something? What the fuck would cause them to all scream the same obvious bullshit all in unison?

All I'm reading is that she said that "Russia has legitimate security concerns" - umm yeah no shit?

Then again, I once got accused of "peddling Russian disinformation" because I shared an article from Benjamin Norton. Jesus I just can't with these people.

submitted 3 months ago by sexywheat@hexbear.net to c/askchapo@hexbear.net

Ok, so I used to listen to this Canadian hip hop artist years ago and I cannot for the life of me remember his name. Despite all of the (very specific) details I have about him I can't find the fucker.

If any of you know who I am talking about, please help me find this artist. These are all the details that I know:

  • Canadian (I think from Ontario)

  • Black

  • Older

  • Has a song called "Fuck a liberal" and "Amerikkka"

  • Has other songs calling out the genocide carried out by Canada on the first nations people

  • Used audio samples of former Prime Minister Stepher Harper in at least one of his songs

  • Had music on streaming apps like Apple music

I'm hoping at least one of you also used to listen to him and can hook me up inshallah

Behold, my cat (hexbear.net)
submitted 4 months ago by sexywheat@hexbear.net to c/art@hexbear.net

This is my other cat (my pfp)

You can actually buy prints of them here if you want! Had them commissioned a while back.

submitted 4 months ago* (last edited 4 months ago) by sexywheat@hexbear.net to c/chapotraphouse@hexbear.net

It's exceedingly effective.

I was talking politics with someone earlier today, on the topic of the new BRICS payment system, and the conversation went something like this:

Me: Countries should be able to trade in their own currencies, and no one country (USA or otherwise) should be able to declare unilateral sanctions and cause sabotage just because they want to.

Lib: Shouldn't USA be able to sanction Russia for its invasion of Ukraine?

Me: I don't think any country should be able to declare unilateral sanctions. On the other hand, if the global community wants to decide on sanctions together, that's another story. However, maybe the USA themselves should be sanctioned for their involvement in the 2014/2015 coup in Ukraine that started this whole mess.

Lib: Were those democratic protesters not legitimate?

Me: It was a far right, violet coup that overthrew a democratically elected government [Provides sourced examples of far-right violence during the coup, evidence it was a coup, and how it was clearly in the interests of Western governments]

Lib: [Provides Wikipedia links of the "Democratic mass movements in Ukraine"]

Me: Yes that is a textbook example of a CIA backed colour revolution.

Lib: That is Russian disinformation.

Why exactly does "disinformation" always have to come from "the other, evil foreign governments"? Why the fuck does Russia care what I think? Wouldn't it make a lot more fucking sense that our own government is trying to manipulate our understanding of the world?

I don't think I have ever once heard a lib use the term "American disinformation" or "misinformation from our own government" - it's always the evil Russians or Chinese. Of course reactionaries and chuds always cry foul at what the government says but it's only about dumb bullshit like vaccines and bike lanes.

The second any information runs contrary to the Libs heavily propagandised worldview it can immediately be dismissed as "foreign propaganda" - no matter how thoroughly sourced or researched or documented. It's just an immediate off switch for both the conversation and their brain. And, conveniently, they have handy NATOpedia articles to counter with.

Anyway, thanks for coming to my TED Talk. Don't forget to like and subscribe.

Free Palestine 🇵🇸

submitted 4 months ago by sexywheat@hexbear.net to c/news@hexbear.net

This “multi-currency system” will include new mechanisms not only to de-dollarize trade, but also to encourage investment in BRICS members and other emerging markets and developing economies, including a BRICS Clear platform, a “new system of securities accounting and settlement”, and financial instruments denominated in national currencies.


[-] sexywheat@hexbear.net 60 points 4 months ago

It's been four fucking days and we still don't know the results of the BC provincial election in kkkanada

spoilerNDP (mildly social democratic party) narrowly dodged a bullet by a surging Conservative party that didn't even really exist like two years ago. Problem is, it's a hung parliament, nobody got a majority.

The greens (who won two seats) have expressed willingness to prop up the NDP (by the most narrow of margins) but there's still ~49,000 mail-in and absentee ballots that they're not counting until this weekend for some fucking reason?

BCCP is absolutely Q Anon tier crazy. So all week we get to live in suspense not knowing what the next 4 years hold in store.

Link to the /c/canada thread with more details and links.

submitted 4 months ago by sexywheat@hexbear.net to c/earth@hexbear.net

Costasiella kuroshimae

Costasiella kuroshimae—also known as a "leaf slug",[1] or "leaf sheep"[2]—is a species of sacoglossan sea slug. Costasiella kuroshimae are shell-less marine opisthobranch gastropod mollusks in the family Costasiellidae.[3] Despite being animals they indirectly perform photosynthesis, via kleptoplasty.[4]

Just look at that little homie.

BIG CHUNGUS (streamable.com)
submitted 4 months ago by sexywheat@hexbear.net to c/games@hexbear.net

Lost my combo part way through and slipped a few times at the end but still got an A.

I'm not great at Stepmania but I like to play.


Link to song pack for Stepmania if you're so inclined

submitted 6 months ago by sexywheat@hexbear.net to c/games@hexbear.net

In this post I'm going to give a quick overview as well as provide some resources for downloading song packs and whatnot, as it's a little bit unclear how to get started with this game.

So, for those of you who have fond memories of playing DDR at your local arcade, great news! You can play it at home basically for free! It's a shit load of fun, and doubles as an excellent cardio workout that you can do in your living room (if you don't live above people in a wood apartment building, that is).

If you have kids, it's also fun times for fun families (just make sure to do a cursory review of the songs and remove any that have any drug/sex references in them, they're rare but they pop up from time to time). Get the energy out of the kids & help build and improve their rhythm.

The software works on all major operating systems (including Linux) although from what I've read support for all versions of OSX is a bit dicey. You can download it from the official website here.

Out of the box it only comes with three songs. The main repository for downloading new song packs is here:


All of the old/original arcade song packs are also available for download on this website that looks like it was designed in 2003:


Furthermore, there's a good beginner FAQ here.

On Windows once you download the song packs they can be installed here:

C:\Games\Stepmania\Songs\StepMania 5\Songs

Not sure about Linux/Mac but I'm sure it's equally straightforward.

The dance pads themselves you can just buy online and they cost about $30. There are more advanced ones as well of course but if you're just getting started the basic ones work fine.

Additionally there is a decent reddit-logo community for the game.

PSA: People also play this game on their keyboards and there are song packs specifically designed for those players. Don't make the same mistake I did and try to play them with your feet they're absolutely impossibly difficult even on the easiest setting. Make sure you're downloading the right type of simpack!

PSA2: Different song packs are of course programmed by different people who have different ideas of what "easy" is. The standard DDR songpacks from the original arcade games are all very straightforward, but a lot of the other custom ones are way harder even on the easy settings, so just a heads up there.

I think that covers all the basics. Happy dancing!



I will take this as a good omen.


For those who don't know:

The 26th of July Movement was a Cuban vanguard revolutionary organization and later a political party led by Fidel Castro. The movement's name commemorates the failed 1953 attack on the Moncada Barracks in Santiago de Cuba, part of an attempt to overthrow the dictator Fulgencio Batista.

NATOpedia link

submitted 7 months ago* (last edited 7 months ago) by sexywheat@hexbear.net to c/news@hexbear.net

I've heard this from two different sources. Something to keep an eye on. If this turns out not to be true (it's just within the past few hours) just comment and I'll delete the post.

Edit: Not a lib

Edit2: There's also this

Iran Raises Red Flag Of Revenge Tehran- Minutes after Iran’s Supreme Leader promised a “harsh punishment” for Israel in retaliation for assassination of Palestinian leader Ismail Haniyeh in Tehran on Wednesday, a symbolic red flag was hoisted atop a major mosque in the holy city of Qom.

[-] sexywheat@hexbear.net 57 points 8 months ago

No budget to hire an IT guy to hop into PHPMyAdmin and manually reset it lol

[-] sexywheat@hexbear.net 59 points 10 months ago

Pure evil.

It's really hard to understate what a mass-radicalisation event this whole live-streamed genocide has been, for young people in particular.

[-] sexywheat@hexbear.net 60 points 11 months ago

Tiktok has without a doubt taken a flame thrower to young people's attention spans, to be sure, but on the other hand it's probably done more to open the eyes of young people to the realities of the genocide in Gaza than anything else in the world.

[-] sexywheat@hexbear.net 59 points 1 year ago

I think we all know that as president she would establish a student loan debt forgiveness program for Pell Grant recipients who start a business that operates for three years in disadvantaged communities.

[-] sexywheat@hexbear.net 60 points 2 years ago

Time to stop using Chrome


[-] sexywheat@hexbear.net 60 points 2 years ago

ummm this reeks of russian propaganda please delete this post you are doing the bidding of putler

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