His staff has a knob on the end!
“I'm a legit snack” - Nyota Uhura
“Shatner figured it out? Shatner? This is a real low point. Yeah, this one hurts.”
My second favourite crazy conspiracy theory is that Tom Clancy didn’t really exist and that he was the front man for the CIA’s public relations office. Red Storm especially leads this as the whole novel reads like someone took a high level war game and tried to make a novelisation out of it.
Bawk! Bawk bawk! Bawk!
Fuck this is the way I learn there’s been a school shooting!
Sounds like somebody’s got a case of the Mondays
I’d like to say “Hello police I’d like to report a murder” but even though he’s an ex-president, his still a black man. And calling the police even in jest is too dangerous.
And yet Colombo does in fact have all his shit together just messily stacked in a pile.
The Greatest Era of gaming was when I was between 12 and 22. And this is true for everyone no matter what their age is now. Between 12 and 22 I had enough time and energy to game all night and still go to school and none of life’s problems were stopping me
That was a legit funny joke. Dangerfield’s stuff was pretty good and a lot of it still stands up today because he was usually punching up. His shtick was always “I don’t get no respect” but always because he was schulb not because the others were wrong.
“Fuck Cancer!” So much for the tolerant left. /s
Seriously Fuck Cancer and horse it rode in on.