[-] tetris11@lemmy.ml 33 points 2 months ago

See a couple my age out in public. Its this guy who is 6 inches tall and is being held in the palm of the hand of his gf. "What?" He squeaks. She looks down at him relentlessly with a big closed smile. "I'm just glad I met you."

[-] tetris11@lemmy.ml 33 points 3 months ago

I don't get it

[-] tetris11@lemmy.ml 33 points 4 months ago* (last edited 4 months ago)

That's it, let's re-write the entire backend in C++ to make use of multiple inheritance to tackle this one use-case!

What do you mean "this is overkill"? Do you have any idea how many tomatoes go into a fucking salad!?

[-] tetris11@lemmy.ml 34 points 4 months ago

It's hard to refuse someone who on the surface is just being friendly, and who might take your rejection as a harsh assault on their fragile personality.

I think just try to communicate to him that he's distracting you from work. He might not actually realise.

If he can't be reasoned with, then maybe yes go to HR

[-] tetris11@lemmy.ml 34 points 4 months ago

You're gonna yo-yo for another 6 years but every swing will be lower than the last, until you finally hit your mid-30s and adopt an "ah fuckit" approach to life.

[-] tetris11@lemmy.ml 33 points 5 months ago

Look, I'm not a fan of them either, but you can't go around referring to members of parliament that way.

[-] tetris11@lemmy.ml 34 points 6 months ago

uhh, most of germany yeah.

[-] tetris11@lemmy.ml 33 points 10 months ago

this is the language we were given on the web, not the language we chose

[-] tetris11@lemmy.ml 34 points 11 months ago

There is the Great Ghost Cluster in the distant void, passing messages up and down its endless stream of ghost bodies in order to log world events at the speed of voice.

[-] tetris11@lemmy.ml 34 points 1 year ago* (last edited 1 year ago)

Eh, I'm not a huge fan of fixing deep societal issues with quick lazy rebranding of words either, but I do admit that AllowList / BlockList is much clearer in intent than Whitelist / Blacklist is.

[-] tetris11@lemmy.ml 33 points 1 year ago

Their rectangular eyes can also rotate so that they always have parallelism to the ground.

Can you imagine your eyes doing that?

[-] tetris11@lemmy.ml 34 points 2 years ago

It means "pan-fried, with an egg in the middle", you dolt!

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