You mean those watery packets of cheese I sometimes buy aren't supposed to taste like watered down kangaroo testicles?
... who the hell are these special users that Firefox apparently pander to, and what mass of people do they constitute to make them so powerful?
More importantly, how do I join this special club?
The initial reaction was good, but through later interaction with the artist it became clear that it was a one off thing, unrelated to the canon of the series, and unrelated to anything happening in his life. His overall hostility to questions about it turned people to the idea that he did it to steal undeserved pathos from his audience. Thus, he became a clown.
Before the advent of motorized transport, an officer's batman was also in charge of the officer's "bat-horse" that carried the officer's kit during a campaign.
It's quite likely that Alfred was a Batman before Batman was.
I’m surprised they aren’t offsetting the cost by selling all our data to language learning models like everyone else is
Hah. Hahaha. Hahahahahahaahahahahahaha. HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAH
I'm not against people having a second or third home, as I don't see the class above mine (a farmer getting a side hustle from his family house now that his kids have moved away) as particularly threatening or exploitative.
It's the faceless class above that I hold issue with, coordinated rent seeking behaviour to the degree of being able to fix prices in an area. These do tend to be in the "10+ homes" category
Is it still comedy if it's accurate?
Sled. It's his sled from when he was a kid. There I just saved you two long boobless hours.
I remember back when I thought all FOSS was part of the FSF, and that itself was formed of hippie liberal progressives. Had a rude awakening when I found about the MIT vs GPL rift, and then another on HN when I realised half the people in software were just there to make money.
Hey at least with Nolan movies, it really doesn't matter what they're saying
but its me soup, how can I resist?