Look ,personally I want this to be perfect ,to include every single detail not mentioned about the DPRK in the west ,also no I’m not gonna tell you how I have contact with a DPRK diplomat ,please ask sincere questions and remember this is a DPRK diplomat, not a citizen so there is stuff that they can’t answer and stuff that they aren’t allowed to answer
If my friend from the DPRK replies ,I will update you but this is for someone else ,I’ve acquired a lot of important info on the DPRK that I want to share with all of you and this is so that it could be perfect ,please ask good questions
So far this is the answer thread
Yes he did tell me one
“Similarly I thank you for your kind words and it is encouraging to see support for the just cause of nations .
In trying times all person's true to a just cause must remember President Kim Il Sung's quote of "The oppressed peoples can liberate themselves only through struggle."
Like the Korean people, the Palestinian people have fought a decades long struggle against the powerful forces of imperialism. Like the DPRK, the Palestinian people still survive despite the treacherous actions of the nefarious powers. By keeping a straight focus on the struggle have and will continue to survive against the imperialist's most evil plots.”
Give him my thanks, Mohammed. Wish him well, and with good health.