... Props for honesty?
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So... what do you say to that?
Screenshot and send to door dash personally. Sorry you're having a bad day but maybe I am too? Maybe I'm having a worse day and couldn't bring myself to cook. Dasher wants to get food at the place I ordered from? Awesome. Go for it. This is stealing though and idc how bad of a day you're having. You shouldn't be delivering food if you can't... Deliver the food
I wonder if there was a tip too
Motherfucker is going to have the worse day after he eats my food.
It's not stealing really, because you can report it for a refund, and the refunds on those apps happen pretty quickly. It would be annoying, but you would get your money back. Your money is basically in escrow until a while after you get your food, so you can also get refunded if your order is messed up. The driver doesn't even really get in trouble unless they mess up often, they just don't get the fare for that trip.
I mean it's still a shitty thing to do, but it's more like getting bad service than stealing. The same outcome would happen if your drivers vehicle broke down, for instance.
It's 100% stealing
This is 100% either a strike on the driver's account or they will just "fire" them outright. Especially if it's doordash. Fuck doordash.
How does their strike system work? How many does it take to get you banned from driving, and how long does it take for strikes to expire? Is the system even punlic knowledge?
I feel like that would all factor into how likely I am to report them.
I haven't driven for them in a long time, but if I remember correctly it's a 3 strike system. I think in the case of OP's post though that would be an immediate driver account closure.
I think the expire thingy was either 100 or 500 properly delivered orders before they go away.
Shitty people abuse this system too as I had an order to a high security building and they wouldn't let me in the doors. I dropped the food off with security and that was that on my end. Customer then reported me saying she never got the order. Because I didn't go that extra mile and send her a text saying the food was there (something the app does anyways), I received a strike. (If you work in a high security building you know damn well to watch for your food, so in my opinion this was all on the customer.)
Kind of, sort of. doordash are a bunch of fuckheads and there is a HUGE disconnect between the driver and getting actual answers. I had an issue with one of their policies and attempted around 5 times to get a callback and clarification on the rules and never received a callback. Not once.
At this point, because I'm still doing this work. I will only work with GrubHub. They pay the drivers way more per order. I can call support and get actual answers. I can refuse to fill drinks because it's company policy the drivers are not to fill any part of the order. (It's dumb how many times I've had to deal with this. One 7/11 worker tried to make me fill an entire 8 drink order one day. I refuse to do their job while I'm just trying to do mine. GrubHub drivers are considered couriers, not customers like they are with Doordash.)
The best thing? Customer doesn't tip? They still pay well enough that I don't feel like I'm getting stiffed. Say I had an order to deliver some food 10 miles with no tip. Doordash non-tipped pay would be like $2.50-$3.00. GrubHub I'd get closer to $5. (For an example, an order I drove recently only had a $1 tip. Delivery distance was a little over 5 and a half miles. GrubHub pay was $4.67. doordash pay is typically a flat $2.50 up to 10 miles.)
I mean, me personally? "I fuckin feel that, no worries"
Most people? "That sucks" and contact doordash support for a redund prolly
Remember you're hungry when you get this message. IDK about you but rhat turns me into a different beast altogether.
Don't get me wrong, I'd be pissed. However, I've been in a similar state, and making them feel worse than they already are really isn't something I want to do. I'm certainly not some saint that instantly forgives and forgets, but this person clearly has some serious problems and I don't want to make it worse for them
Hangry is no joke. First thing my wife asks me if I have an attitude is if I'm hungry. 9/10 I am.
Hanger is a lack of self control.
I would probably say something like:
"I feel you, homie. I'm making another order—what do you want?"
I work for Liam Neeson, you just ate his lunch.
His doctor just told him he's riddled with aids.