The Phrase "No Evidence" Is A Red Flag For Bad Science Communication
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But how do you make the case that these are different and warrant different treatment to John Q. Public? Because you're basically saying that the anecdotes of regular people are of less value than the hunches of scientists. Do scientists have some epistemic privilege?
Obviously, they do. But John Q. Public is going to find that insulting and bad faith actors like all of Fox News is going to characterize scientists as liberal, technological elites that claim to know better than good ol' hard workin' Americans. That it is true is inconsequential.
Actually no. Eyewitness is always one of the worst kinds of evidence, and quantity makes little difference. It remains very easy to argue that Bob just very closely resembles the killer. If we have actually good evidence of him being elsewhere that day, say he went to work and worked all day, maybe was on camera, clocked in and got paid, etc, then that would pretty soundly crush your hundreds of eyewitnesses.
OP link seems to be a personal blog.
As soon as I saw the 90s website and conspiracy level picture I closed the link without reading.
He's a pretty well regarded blogger, and a qualified psychiatrist, https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Slate_Star_Codex
And he's so proud of it that it was shut down when journalists "doxxed him" by saying what his real name was?
I googled him tho, and he's not a researcher or has ever done anything notable than that long rambling blog, he was so proud of he shut it down when he found it would be associated with him.
Probably because of all the alt right bullshit and anti science shit he's posted.
He told alt right tech bros what they wanted to hear, and you think that qualifies him to speak for the scientific community?
He's Joe Rogaine if he was smart enough to get a degree, but still dumb enough to rant about other shit he has no clue about
Fucking Ben Carlson is a pretty good comparison to this guy