I love modern art
A community for sharing and discussing art, aesthetics, and music relating to '80s, '90s, and '00s retro microgenres and also art in general now!
Some cool genres and aesthetics include:
If you are unsure if a piece of media is on theme for this community, you can make a post asking if it fits. Discussion posts are encouraged, and particularly interesting topics will get pinned periodically.
No links to a store page or advertising. Links to bandcamps, soundclouds, playlists, etc are fine.
I went to a modern art museum once. There was a video of a woman talking about why having sex with horses is good which was about half an hour long. There was a man who stood there the entire time and a couple who brought their very uncomfortable child, who couldn't have been older than ten, and wouldnt let him leave the horse sex room. Then I had a cold croissant for four euros. It was terrible
I didn't know Vaush was an artist, wow