I'm not sure if this is controversial or not - but I (mostly) don't like games that are primarily set underground.
There are a few exceptions to this, Dungeon Keeper and The Binding of Isaac spring to mind, but mostly I find it actively discouraging. Perhaps it's a desire to explore under the sky, perhaps it's that it feels claustrophobic, or perhaps it's the gloom.
I don't have a problem with the dark or claustrophobia in the real world, so it's not that. Anything that involves dungeon crawling immediately puts me off. I don't want to go down into the dark! I want to be outside!
I wasn't a fan of the Metro series until Exodus, I bounced off Recettear as soon as the dungeon element was introduced. Anything that wants me to spend an extended period underground with monsters is just a massive turn-off for me. Sewer levels and the like also have this, to a lesser extent.
Anyone else have this specific dislike?
I don't have an aversion to underground games, but I think on some level I don't love games/movies set out in deserts, whether they're sandy or rocky. I think in the back of my mind, I'm thinking "man, that looks uncomfortable and dry. I wouldn't like being there."
I don't avoid things set in deserts, and I'm sure I've seen/played many good things in that setting, so it may not be as strong as your underground thing, but yeah, I think I have something similar.
Okay, that's all, now we can proceed to call me Anakin Skywalker.
For me, it's the heat. As someone who has lived in some hot areas, any desert level / scene just make me think of how hot it will be, and how thirsty everyone will be.
Don't avoid them or anything. Just a feeling it generates.