Do Kamala and the Dems want to lose?
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I think that they would like to win, but don't know what is broadly popular and are constrained by the donors and by wanting to turn the Dem party into the 2006-era GW Bush Republican party.
Obviously you can do all that and still run a good campaign by just lying about it, like Obama for example. A Dem party with better PR would still adopt all the Liz/Dick Cheney policy positions, but wouldn't constantly talk about how much they love them.
Also, there are a bunch of consultants who will get paid either way, those people probably don't care about winning at all.
I've seen someone else on the site, I think z poster?, makes the comment that the reason that they can't lie or even be subtle, is that Israel freaks out so badly anytime they say anything that could even be interpreted as not getting full support to the genocide.
Understandably people keep asking them questions about this topic, and the correct move would be to be evasive, or just lie, but they aren't able to.
I don't think they can lie about not supporting Israel because it makes Israel lose face
Edit: someone else has the same idea as me