Read How Your Support Has Helped Our People in Gaza and Made a Difference!
With pride and gratitude, we would like to share the fruit of your blessed efforts. Thanks to your generous support and trust, we have been able to assist many prisoners in Gaza, contributing to improving their lives and alleviating their suffering.
Additionally, your support for me personally has enabled us to expand our reach and help others who were in desperate need. This collaboration proves that giving knows no bounds, and one hand can extend to touch many hearts in need.
Attached are the receipts of the money transfers sent directly to the families in Gaza, as proof of our transparency and commitment to our responsibility towards our people there.
We know that challenges remain, and the needs of our people in Gaza are continuous and increasing. Therefore, we emphasize the importance of your ongoing support. Together, through our unity and cooperation, we can meet more of their needs and bring them a glimmer of hope in their difficult reality.
We express our sincere thanks and appreciation for standing by me and our people. You are partners in this great humanitarian work. Together, we can make a difference and be the helping hand that our people in Gaza need.

You're most welcome! It’s my pleasure