[-] Angel@hexbear.net 1 points 1 minute ago

Lab-grown flesh inherently and explicitly revolves around animal exploitation, and for that reason alone, I must condemn it.

Lab-grown flesh being validated in the animal emancipation movement reminds me of all of the harm that Singerian utilitarian brainrot has done to veganism, and Singer's facade is too damn strong. The man is literally not even vegan by the layman's definition of the word vegan, yet for some reason, too many damn people in the animal liberation movement uphold him as some prominent figure to use as an example of what a strong supporter of animal liberation looks like.

Shit like lab-grown meat is seen as a loophole because it appeals to the human supremacist mindset a lot more. Those who still feel like they don't want to clear themselves of the mentality that non-human animals are okay to treat as slaves think they need something like lab-grown meat as a crutch just to give animals the basic decency and respect that they deserve, and it still doesn't do that!

I'm also curious about y'all's take on imitation meat as well.

Things that emulate hamburger patties and sausage links without involving animal flesh and secretions are fine to me. My mentality has gotten to a point where I've distanced that stuff from flesh very well. To me, a burger made out of soy doesn't make me think of even comparing it to a burger made out of flesh. I literally take it as what it is: a burger made out of soy. It is its own thing to me. With enough time being vegan, I was able to disconnect the association honestly.

I'd have moments where I'd tell a friend that I tried this delicious macaroni and (cashew) cheese recipe while omitting the "cashew" portion of the sentence by mistake because it sometimes doesn't cross my mind that most people see cheese as something that comes from cow titties. The moments where I snap back into reality and focus on the fact that 99% of the world is carnist, however, end up making me frown.

[-] Angel@hexbear.net 33 points 19 hours ago
[-] Angel@hexbear.net 56 points 20 hours ago

For people that tell trans people that they "make it their entire personality," they sure do struggle to shut the fuck up about my gender more than I even do.

[-] Angel@hexbear.net 33 points 2 days ago

relax, it was just a heated gamer moment heated-gamer-moment

[-] Angel@hexbear.net 4 points 2 days ago

What I mean when I say "send me your buttposts"

People think I'm being a creep!

[-] Angel@hexbear.net 6 points 2 days ago

Joseph ZeDong Vance

[-] Angel@hexbear.net 15 points 4 days ago

I misread "Burgerbrains" as "Burgerbarians," and I felt like I acquired a totally new term to refer to Americans with.

Well, even though it was just through my mind misreading it, I acquired a totally new term to refer to Americans with!

[-] Angel@hexbear.net 14 points 5 days ago

I fucking love Andrewism, and I still watch him quite regularly even though I'm now a Marxist.

He's from Trinidad and Tobago, which is where my family comes from. I feel really connected to lefty content from someone like him as someone born to Trinidadian/Tobagonian immigrants who are quite conservative.

I'd never be sectarian, but I'm definitely over the deeply unserious anarchists that'd rather be "anti-authoritarian" edgelords than push for actual effective leftist action. Thankfully, a good deal of anarchists, especially ones you encounter IRL, are not like that.

[-] Angel@hexbear.net 18 points 5 days ago

"Inverse Shinigami Eyes isn't real, it can't hurt you."

Inverse Shinigami Eyes:

[-] Angel@hexbear.net 49 points 5 days ago

I love saying "tankie and proud" as a response to "anti-tankie" discourse. It really is just a thought-terminating cliché, often used by misguided westerners who truly do not understand class consciousness and materialism, with some of them going as far to paint "tankies" as "reactionaries disguised as leftists," when in actuality, "anti-tankie" sentiment is actually what seems to be more of a reactionary tendency posing as leftist, especially when you know of the horrors supported by prominent "left" anti-communists like Orwell.

I used to hang around anarchist/demsoc spaces a lot more, and in the past, I fell into this trap of painting AES states as being as "evil" as capitalist propaganda wants you to believe they are, and I tried whatever I could do to distance myself from them, their thinkers, and their ideologies. However, in the grand scheme of my life and the path that my material conditions led me down, three things eventually ended up turning me away from that kind of thinking:

  1. Joining Hexbear: When I got tired of using Reddit, especially since I was fed up of all the bigotry and discrimination that was seeming unavoidable on that site, I joined Hexbear because I was looking for an alternative that was not only accepting of marginalized peoples but more inclined toward leftism as a whole. Though I was still an anarchist when I first joined Hexbear, I quickly came to understand that the people that are commonly demonized as "tankies" are not this evil group of horrid people that many anti-AES leftists paint them as. It's actually been the contrary!
  2. Reading Theory: Reading Lenin especially helped with me overcoming this, but of course, just gaining an actual better understanding of the theory of Marxism in general was a huge plus as well.
  3. Connecting With Black Radical Thinkers: This is a bit of an extension of the previous point, but as a black person, I noticed that the common leftist tendency of many black radicals, such as the Black Panthers, was more in alignment with Marxism-Leninism, Maoism, etc. I didn't find black nationalist associations with anarchism to be as common, and I wondered why. Being able to examine the words of thinkers like Kwame Ture, Angela Davis, Frantz Fanon, etc. helped me process the connection of black liberation and how it pertains to radical ideology that I felt like I had a more difficult time grasping when I was mostly hanging around white, western anarchists and demsocs, considering their own ideological understanding of leftism and then tying it to the construct of black liberation. Black liberation was much harder for me to wrap my head around looking at it through a more anarchist lens than it was looking at it through a Marxist lens.

Though I am a former anarchist and a Marxist now, this isn't meant to be a sectarian dig at anarchists. It's just more of me being frustrated with how such "anti-tankie" sentiment has painted genuinely effective leftists as monsters and "fascists in disguise" when they have been nothing but the opposite, and ultimately, they have led the greatest and most broadly applicable implementation of tactics that can actually liberate so many oppressed people, both in the context of class and identity.

[-] Angel@hexbear.net 22 points 5 days ago

nutrient D E N S E

submitted 1 month ago by Angel@hexbear.net to c/vegan@hexbear.net


submitted 1 month ago by Angel@hexbear.net to c/vegan@hexbear.net

ignore my funky phone font

submitted 2 months ago by Angel@hexbear.net to c/vegan@hexbear.net

It's over, carnists. As you can see here, I have depicted YOU as the Chad and MYSELF as the soyjak, so you've already lost.


This really had me like:

(In all seriousness, I just went there to upload some images to host privately, as that's the only reason why I keep it around, but my eyes wandered.)

submitted 3 months ago by Angel@hexbear.net to c/vegan@hexbear.net

Vanguard is unapologetically a vegan leftist band, and actively supports and promotes a host of critical social and political causes, both lyrically and through the direct action and activism of its members. The band is ideologically tied to the animal liberation movement, endorses socialist political theory, is vehemently anti-fascist, and believes and fights for the political, legal, educational, and economic equality of all people, regardless of race, gender, orientation, or class.

submitted 3 months ago by Angel@hexbear.net to c/vegan@hexbear.net

A guy on my Steam friends list told me "I'm okay with eating chickens because they descended from dinosaurs, and dinosaurs would kill me if I were alive during their time period."

This is such an embarrassing excuse that it would actually be much more honorable for this guy to simply say shit like "I just don't give a shit about animals dying" or "Yeah, it's wrong to eat animals, but I'm a self-admitted hypocrite." Why do some people feel the need to go out of their way to justify carnism instead of... just being a carnist? It's not like I or anyone else can force this guy to stop eating chickens if he isn't to supply a justification for why he does it.

As far as the argument itself goes, for a simple deconstruction of such an absurd take: if you want to make the claim that the behavior of one's ancestors can dictate what is an ethical way to treat an individual as a descendant, by this logic, a good person who has a father that's a murderer would be ethical to kill for "self defense." Obviously, this bozo wouldn't believe that, but his absurd take here isn't supposed to be logical; it's just another pathetic grasping at straws that's a part of this unfortunate, never-ending cycle in which carnists say whatever they want to say to pretend that they're not a part of the problem. That's it.


I see a lot of people say things like "TERFs aren't real feminists" or "We should call TERFs something besides feminists," and I understand where this viewpoint comes from, but as a transfeminine person, I honestly don't like this approach.

I feel like when people utilize this approach, they're trying to see TERFs as a problem from the outside rather than a problem within. We cannot build a better, more inclusive, and more intersectional flavor of feminism if we assume that problematic tendencies such as transphobia are inherently beyond feminist thought.

Is TERF ideology flawed and misguided? Absolutely, 100%. Is it not feminist? On some level, I see why some would say it isn't, but at the very least, it's in the name of feminism. Although TERFs are incredibly sus with their hyperfocus on trans people, especially transfeminine people, and very minimal focus on actually advocating for women's rights, TERFs are not exactly stemming their transphobia from a viewpoint that conservative Christians, for instance, might stem their transphobia. Their viewpoint is tied to a certain interpretation of feminism, even if that interpretation sucks major doodoo ass.

We have to remember that even mainstream, liberal feminists are not exempt from some problems that TERFs embody. These kinds of feminists can often have transphobic and bioessentialist ideas as well. The difference? They are often more implicit and mask-on with these problematic tendencies. If they're not outright transphobic in their thinking, they, at the very least, tend to be very erasing of trans struggles, as they usually are with all other kinds of intersectionality. Their major issue with failing to grasp intersectionality is painfully obvious with how much they focus on white cishet women, failing to demonstrate that they don't even have a single place in their mind concerned about black women, trans women, and other more marginalized groups of women. I see these feminists as a problem obviously (because libs suck), but I certainly wouldn't say they're not feminists.

I'm functionally at a point where I can only trust feminists that are truly intersectional and communists, but unfortunately, I wouldn't say that outlook comprises most self-identified feminists. However, I wouldn't say that any feminist that deviates from the most helpful outlook on patriarchy isn't a feminist. They're just, in some way, a failed one in desperate need of education.

submitted 3 months ago* (last edited 3 months ago) by Angel@hexbear.net to c/vegan@hexbear.net
submitted 3 months ago* (last edited 3 months ago) by Angel@hexbear.net to c/memes@hexbear.net

Quality Zaretcore shitpost


Trying to shame a group of people for simply existing is actually just vile and resentful hate and not a part of "civil debate"? Who woulda thunk it?

submitted 4 months ago by Angel@hexbear.net to c/vegan@hexbear.net

Definitely giving @Sickos@hexbear.net's comment some credit here!

submitted 4 months ago by Angel@hexbear.net to c/vegan@hexbear.net

This is a bit of a follow-up to this post. Someone responded to my analogy this way, and I'm just baffled that you can seriously say something like this to go so hard to defend babystepping.

no one will argue with you that 0 kids in the basement is better than 5 or 10, but it's still objectively better to have 5 than 10.

Imagine typing this and hitting send. Holy shit.

Also, I wasn't vegan from birth, but I sure as hell wish I fucking was. I regret every moment I supported the exploitation of animals. I also got convinced to go vegan by listening to ethical vegans who were really staunch in expressing just how fucking bad the way we treat other species is. If I got a bunch of apologists who told me "You can go vegan at whatever slow pace you like and it's totally fine and ethical!", then I would be so damn uneducated and blind to the truth.

To quote this genius who sent me this reply, "Exactly."

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