[-] LGOrcStreetSamurai@hexbear.net 10 points 15 hours ago

it would feel more right for big stars to have to pay everyone else's wages for wasting everyone's time being a diva.

I dig the sentiment for sure. Like you said it's friendly to capital, but the larger idea of "the diva is burning away everyone's time, the rest of cast and crew ought to be compensated and the diva ought to have their behavior corrected" makes sense to me.

Maybe more reasonably, productions should be less penny pinching in the first place and maybe The Rock Does Christmas doesn't need to exist.

In wholehearted agreement there.

[-] LGOrcStreetSamurai@hexbear.net 17 points 17 hours ago

I have always thought that productions can't support "divas". I have no real experience with movie making, but I would imagine there is a ton of "waiting for X so Y can do Z". Not in a rude way, but I would imagine lots of people are expecting other people to be on point so they can do their job. In a certain sense I think that's kind of rad because it implies everyone is sort of working toward the common goal of making some movie magic. Being a "diva" may work in wrestling or certain types of live performances, but something like film production is far more structure and doesn't really want spontaneous change or dynamic alterations to the schedule.

On a purely personal level how can you be a "manly man™©®" be so fragrantly disrespectful of other people's time and talents. So many of these macho masculine self-help/guru types talk about being respectful and being a man and shit, and these is just actively un-manly. It's boyish. A boy would have this sort of mindset and behavior, not a man. It lacks honor, it diligence, it lacks consistency, it lacks all of the virtues people like Johnson espouse in their videos and "brand". You can't call yourself a man and be so self-centered.

[-] LGOrcStreetSamurai@hexbear.net 17 points 17 hours ago

It's crazy to me that Adobe has managed to to make any money. Their software products at their core are pretty solid, however all of their products are covered in barbed wire and throned vines. The idea that basic features require a subscription is beyond bonkers to me. I don't know how they managed to survive the 90s at all.

I hate Adobe, all my homies hate Adobe, and it's deeply frustrating there has been a meaningful alterative yet.

[-] LGOrcStreetSamurai@hexbear.net 7 points 1 day ago* (last edited 1 day ago)

You can call vegan cheese fake cheese, because there is no cheese, but you cannot call vegan pizza fake pizza, like dude you can eat it, it is a real pizza.

I don't know why but this has me cracking up 😆. I think it's just the philosophy of it all but it got it me. Got me thinking about the reality or unreality of pizza. i-cant .

The image at the top of and the substance of the Vanity Fair article has done 2d12+3 psychic damage to me.

[-] LGOrcStreetSamurai@hexbear.net 10 points 1 day ago* (last edited 1 day ago)

People's relationship to "real" food is very strange. Vegan alternatives are often clowned out for having additives and stuff (which are usually just regular nuts, veggies, beans or some sort of nut/veggie/bean byproduct) and it's "fake". Carnist foods are also full of additives and stuff (though its often just preservative chemicals or corn, it's always corn) and it's "real". Also I think it's very strange that inventive alternatives are seen as "fake"/"not real", like sour cream from a coconut is just kinda rad as hell to me.

I would have more respect for carnist if they had the courage to actually understand their consumption and go to butcher. Totally not saying it's okay or advocating anything like that, more so I'm saying I wish they didn't have the shield of all systems that obfuscate the animal flesh they consume. They just get their sour cream from store and either actively choose not to think or, to be sort of fair to people, are so conditioned by the various systems of power to not think about how anything they eat is made. It's "real" to them because they don't have to ever think about what makes it "real". Which is both astoundingly lazy and astonishingly cowardly if you ask me.

Lost my job due to a MEGACORP "restructure", I'm not even mad. Does this suck? For sure, no doubt! Is this the end of the world? No, not at all. My budget and things are gonna be tight for a bit but I have savings and such so I should be straight so long as nothing catastrophic comes down the pipeline. I'm really happy with my rather "stoic" (in the good sense, not the marketing dudebro sense) response. This isn't a flex, more so just a "I did something, and I'm proud of it". So I'm filling for unemployment and stuff and that's certainly going to be a bureaucratic labyrinth to navigate.

My big thing is I'm really ripping up my keyboard with focus on computer programming again. I'm re-learning a bunch of fundamentals I have lost while at MEGACORP because they did everything backwards and wrong. I'm re-learning and re-enjoying programming. I like being a computer dork, being a cyberspace hackerman on the CLI is a lot of fun for me. I'm also realizing there is so much goddamn nerd shit to both learn and master. I want to step up my game and go from a programmer to a real deal computer wizard. I want to build my own tools and software for my problems. I want to be able to go from idea to code to working code faster and more effectively. Some i'm in E-gym as well as the regular gym.

I'm also hitting the treadmill four times a week now. I hate running, as such I must run until I learn to not hate it. Cardiovascular endurance is a fundamental part of fitness and strength and no amount of broscience saying "cardio kills your gainz bro" is going to deter me. I want abs this time next year.

Other than all that, I'm good. Just trying to keep up with my health, reading, and social connections. Really trying to focus on building real bonds with my friends.

[-] LGOrcStreetSamurai@hexbear.net 8 points 2 days ago* (last edited 2 days ago)

Mazinger Z would be a very Toonami show to be fair. Mazinger Z paired with/followed by Astro Boy would be sick.

[-] LGOrcStreetSamurai@hexbear.net 13 points 2 days ago

Toonami was perfect in my opinion. It was my gateway to anime and other types of animation.

[-] LGOrcStreetSamurai@hexbear.net 31 points 2 days ago* (last edited 2 days ago)

SMH my damn head. Hate to see yet another leftie duped by Bofa. The Ligma Party has a platform every America can get behind.

[-] LGOrcStreetSamurai@hexbear.net 14 points 2 days ago

As a comic dork, i really hate when writers just ignore the characters powers (I would imagine they should probably consider it a creative "rule set") for the sake of a cool panel or explosion. To make a very soy joke turns directly to the camera it's just lazy writing.

However, I like drama in my stories and so I can't be too mad at 'em.

[-] LGOrcStreetSamurai@hexbear.net 24 points 5 days ago* (last edited 5 days ago)

Physical intimacy in this economy? You want another person to touch your body? You get all the orgasms and value of their labor to get you there? Sounds pretty petty bourgeoise to me. How are you gonna be a comrade and still try and have sex? Nah man.

submitted 1 month ago* (last edited 1 month ago) by LGOrcStreetSamurai@hexbear.net to c/movies@hexbear.net

I just watched "Vampire Hunter D" for the first time. It rules, I can also see its influence in a lot of other anime, scifi, and other cool nerd shit. It's really a shame I have never sat down and watched it until now. It fuckin' rips!.

I need more animated films of that era that aren't made for the selling of toys. Doesn't have to be anime but really any sort of sleeper/underrated animated films from the 80s and 90s. I need more animated cinema.

submitted 2 months ago* (last edited 2 months ago) by LGOrcStreetSamurai@hexbear.net to c/technology@hexbear.net

What's the mindset behind forcing a user to create an account to view the media on a page? For example an artist I like posts their art on Instagram and Twitter but I can't look at it unless I create an account. What's the dumb corporate rationale behind this? I have seen this on so many sites you can't even see what's there without an account? Doesn't it just scare users away? I know it certainly does for me. If I have to log in just to view a page I don't want to view the page.


They are objectively on the highest of tier public workers. If you make a bracket of public worker they are automatic S-tier


I love the games (the Telltale games were peak), and I actually like like most of the individual members of the cast (aside from Kevin Hart, dude just is plainly unfunny to me), and I think Eli Roth can do a decent job behind the camera. However I know most certainly this will be a product/marketing platform in the shape of a movie.

Is the cinema landscape this bleak these days? Movie magic is being wasted on this slop. Goddamn.

submitted 8 months ago* (last edited 8 months ago) by LGOrcStreetSamurai@hexbear.net to c/technology@hexbear.net

I hate the current YouTube thumbnail meta. I found this extension and it just takes a frame from the content of the video and displays that. I believe that is fair and more representative of the video. I have been using this extension for a while and I find myself paying more attention to the names of creator and then considering if I want to watch the video; rather than being enticed by some intentionally inflammatory image.

I find it just make YouTube more enjoy in combination with Ublock Origin and YouTube Search Fixer.

Just wanted to share this extension with any Hexbears who aren't liking YouTube's thumbnail arms race of increasingly distracting images. I didn't know if I should have put this in c/videos or c/technology. I rolled a D6 and odds was c/videos and evens c/technology. I rolled a two.

submitted 10 months ago* (last edited 10 months ago) by LGOrcStreetSamurai@hexbear.net to c/news@hexbear.net

America can't build houses. America can't fix roads, bridges, dams, pipes, or power grids. America can't provide high quality education for students of all ages and stages. America can't build libraries and parks. America can't provide medical care to all citizens. America can't provide childcare. America can't support public arts or media. America can't provide public transportation. American can't feed the hungry. America can't better the lives of its people.

America is powerless to do anything, other than expand the military industrial complex.

$14.5 billion is some COVID-19 level wealth extraction from working people. American oligarchs and plutocrats stole all our collective wealth yet again.



If you're overwhelmed by the bundle try to use this site to help find games for you. Support a real and meaningful charity and play games.


Not exactly anime, but I still think this is one of the best animations online.

submitted 11 months ago* (last edited 11 months ago) by LGOrcStreetSamurai@hexbear.net to c/technology@hexbear.net

I have been teaching myself more programming stuff for c/gamedev over the last several weeks as my ambition is to make a using Godot to share with people. Just making a game for the sake of trying my hand at a creative work, no real "profit motive" just wanna make a thing programming-communism. However, but I was feeling like I wanted to get back into the old-school C++ programming rather than using a game engine and was looking for a primer as it's been a bit since I have done it. In my quest I discovered Academic Torrents, I found a ton of great computer science courses and the last weakened synapses of academic rigor in my internet poisoned brain to fire once again.

I have always been for open-information (most just downloading .pdf files of textbooks during college) and stuff but I didn't really know about the concept of a Shadow Library. I'm finding myself interested in just learning more computer nerd shit for the sake of learning. I like the idea I have access to pretty much every computer science department that has a webcam and torrent link, I think that's good.

This idea applies beyond not just for tech stuff of course, but just about anything. I think it's really weird that knowledge creation is soloed away behind nations, institutions, and IP laws. Everyone everywhere should have access to knowledge for the sake of knowledge. I don't know much about the actual process of knowledge creation but the created knowledge itself should be assessable to everyone in a library sense. Knowledge is one basic things that makes us human and should be free and open to everyone. Discovering a website reminded that learning is just cool and worth doing for the sake doing (if that's your thing of course, if you don't wanna learn that should be considered cool too).

The promise of the internet still exists outside the walled gardens and I think that's pretty dope. So long as people wanna learn I'm glad that these sorts of Shadow libraries are there to help people.

Also support your actual local library. Light and Shadow Libraries are cool and lefty and good.

submitted 1 year ago* (last edited 1 year ago) by LGOrcStreetSamurai@hexbear.net to c/games@hexbear.net

Preface - It's never cool to be mean to developers or the rando who is running an official social media account online. Be cool.

One thing I will never understand about gaming and gamers™® is that they always seems to justify their own poor treatment. Worse yet they attack others for pointing out the way they are mistreated. Whenever I see good honest players point out that a system is predatory or designed in a plainly unfair way, other gamers™® will undoubtedly come in and defend that bad thing. It's so odd that gamers™® can min-max everything but can't seem to factor in the fact they are getting less than they used to. It's like digital inflation. Games are more costly in upfront costs, hardware cost, time costs, and yet are getting worse in general.

I'm very much anti-battle pass/anti-season pass/anti-microtransaction all that sort of stuff. I'm old-school, just want to buy a thing and have the thing and have the thing be whole and complete. That said there are semi-decent ways to implement a system that is profitable for the vampire executives and also don't siphon every single coin players have. It's so weird to me that gamers™® not only keep buying into these systems but seem to defend them so vigorously online.

From "Pay to Win" to weird obtuse purchasable currencies/resources to needlessly limited time rewards to create artificial scarcity (pre-order, in-game store "deals", general fear of missing out practices), all dark patterns make games worse. Gamers™® defend these things saying "I DoN'T HaVe tHiS PrObLeM. iT MuSt bE A SkIlL IsSuE!" or whatever dumb shit. Every dark pattern in modern gaming is making the games people play worse intentionally. People talk about the enshittification of internet all the time but gaming as a medium/hobby has been enshittifiying since the advent of Xbox LIVE. The worst part about it to me is seeing such vocal defense for it online (social media at large, game forums, comment sections of gaming news/articles). It's not just that sort of conceding "well what can't ya do?", it's more so this spirited "This is good actually, and you're not a REAL GAMER if you don't like this."

For example a decent battle-pass (regardless of the game/genre) usually rewards players with enough in-game premium currency to buy the next one and maybe have enough left over for an item or two. That way it keeps you locked for longer and feeds into the habit forming design dark pattern we all hate. You're constantly having just enough premium currency to buy something, and topping off your balance is just a few extra coins if need be. Yes, people talk about the "whales" and "minnows" but even just the regular players and worse yet the gamers™® get a bad deal. Setting the fact this is a dark pattern aside (however I can't stress enough how mobile gaming's/casino gaming inspired dark patterns have made gaming worse), it's bonkers to me that gamers™® just say "VoTe wItH YoUr wAlLeT BrO!". They will say that or these sorts of things support the development of the game, knowing full well that that money isn't recycled and invested into the betterment of the game.

It's just so strange to me that gaming of all things has grown worse in just about every way since 2000's and yet the online culture around it seems to take pride in it being so bad. It's so strange that gamers™® can datamine the most Ph.D level mathematical optimal way to play through a game before it's even released but can't seem to parse that games should respect them. Games should treat them better. Games should be better.

only-good-gamer: "Wow this system sucks. We should either get more rewards faster or things shouldn't cost so much. I like this game but damn this system blows, and it probably doesn't have to. The developers should be better to us."

very-intelligent: "If you don't like it don't play it. If it were bad it wouldn't be popular."

My larger point is gamers™® are bad, gaming should be better, player != gamers™®.

P.S. Check out this Dark Patterns Site. It explains all of the shit that makes games worse in a nice bullet point format

submitted 2 years ago* (last edited 1 month ago) by LGOrcStreetSamurai@hexbear.net to c/games@hexbear.net

Hello c/games. I have some games I'd like to giveaway. They are of varying quality, and I would rather give them to people who will actually play them rather than letting them gather cyber dust in my digital library. Some of them are shovelware no doubt. Others, just not my type of game. Some are games pretty rad.

That said I would like to giveaway to others. I would encourage you to compile a list of games you may have massed through various bundles you don't think you'd play and share them with others. Just spread a little joy to other people by giving away something you don't want to some who may very much want it. It's a win-win and we can all become big communism builders through the act of sharing.

For simplicity's sake it'll be first come first serve. I simply ask you only ask for games that you want and will play. One per person to keep things fair. If the key doesn't work I apologize, I don't mean to swindle or mislead anyone. It may have expired or some other DRM related trickery.

To protect against bots and webscrappers I'll be DM'ing the keys to comrades rather than posting publicly.

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