Once again the libs are here to tell you a better world is not possible.
Unsurprisingly a little less than half were law enforcement related. The rest fit the bill for people we would guess are chuds. Just from the observed data I am 100% on her side.
"However, the judge refused to allow the records to be admitted in court as evidence, and denied Wuornos' request for a retrial." Well now.
I work in a field that suits me. The hard part is the pay is low and the conditions often suck. The work though, not so bad.
Bleeding out from bullet wounds technically isn't combat. Especially as they are likely friendly fire
Can't be yaoi hands too small
If all media is propaganda he may be right. This might be one of thr times where he is too stupid to know to lie to us.
I am just going to assume that despite being a bad person he is right about the liberal media being mean to him. I hope he wins and then dies a martyr
Once again I am begging china to use their moon rover to push over our flag, and challenge us to space battlebots.
This is a party for only the toughest men. Cowboys, Construction workers, Cops, Leather Bound Bikers, Native Warriors, and Sailors. No girl stuff. Just sweaty men being sweaty with eachother.
Yasuke was a real guy. Rascists are once again mad that reality exists and proves them wrong.
Really at this point I am just impressed by how hard they are fighting against both bread and circuses
I cannot get how how the man made a national socialist party and people take hin seriously