[-] Ufot@hexbear.net 4 points 7 months ago

3.5 weeks into the lifting program. Probably getting ahead of myself but so far it's my favorite one I've ever done. Feels like something I can do for the long haul.

Meal prepped again, been eating good.

[-] Ufot@hexbear.net 4 points 7 months ago

What are ethical ways people could/should invest their money into instead?

I'm not going to ever be a landlord, but I want to retire at the point.

[-] Ufot@hexbear.net 9 points 7 months ago

Maybe you can enlighten me on more ethical ways to invest my money because at this point I think not putting money into a 401k is a terrible financial decision.

Tax deferred compounding interest is too good of a deal for the average person to pass up. Over 30 years you'll be looking at anywhere from 100-150% return on investment.

$50 a paycheck for 30 years with 5% avg return turns your $39k total contributions into $100k in retirement savings. $100 turns $78k in total contributions into $200k savings.

For many people who find saving difficult, me included, being able to set it and forget it, plus the understanding it needs to be for retirement to get the full return, has allowed me to save money I would have spent/wasted otherwise.

Due to the compounding factor, the sooner a person starts the better the return, so to discourage young people to not put money into a 401k is IMO actively harmful.

IMO It's like telling someone they shouldn't have health insurance. Yeah it's bullshit that society forces us to participate in a fucked up system but not having it puts future you at a terrible risk.

[-] Ufot@hexbear.net 5 points 7 months ago

January was good, lots to build off of.

Meal prepped Sunday. Going to keep that up, best way for me to eat good throughout the week.

Started week 2 of my new lifting routine today. This one really vibes with my current goals/outlook. I've been about start slow, progress slow, for years now, but at some point I'd always get excited and skip weight progressions and that'd inevitably lead to stalling.

This time I will stick to the plan. I will not add 10lbs instead of 5lbs, because I'll get to an arbitrary weight goal sooner. If I want a harder challenge there's built in ways to go harder without locking in a new baseline.

[-] Ufot@hexbear.net 8 points 8 months ago

Starting a new lift routine after I stopped for awhile after a non lifting related rib injury.

Lessons learned that I'm bringing into it this go around:

While I've professed and lived by the mantra of "start slow, build slow", for any kind of exercise routine, I've never really considered the importance of staying slow. As soon as I start feeling the benefits of my slow, but steady and gainful progression, I'll get excited and jump weights and do whatever else weird stuff. This time I'm just going to stay slow.

In conjunction one of the most challenging moments for me is the time right before/after and then beginning a new routine. The emotional buildup, relief, and then uncertainty that often comes in those moments leaves me vulnerable to getting out of my rhythm. I get so focused on completing my goal, that I don't really know what I want to do next, so I can go from pure motivation/accomplishment to really aimlessness after.

So anyway to address that I'm committing to a longer routine, this one is set for 48 weeks, and I'm going to avoid setting medium goals like get to X weight, or beat my PR on this lift. I've used those in the past to motivate me to lift, but those aren't my goals, my goal is to continue lifting for 48 weeks.

[-] Ufot@hexbear.net 12 points 8 months ago

Loans are given out for 1 reason, to receive interest payments.

If he's making the interest payments, then they're going to keep loaning him money.

Lenders often make stupid decisions and risky loans but at its core, a loan is determined by two(three) things.

  1. Does the lender believe the borrower has enough income to pay the minimum monthly payments?

  2. Does the lender believe the borrower has enough assets, which if liquidated could pay off the remaining debt?

  3. Is it worth the risk?

I'm no finance expert and there's a lot of specifics between different types of loans that have different reasons. Like a personal loan, mortgage, car loan, business loan. Way more than that idk.

There's also reasons banks will or will not loan money that are a little more vibe based, ie racism, classism.

But the lenders, either correctly or incorrectly, have determined he has the income streams and the assets(sounds like he owns lots of property), that risking 1.2 bil made financial sense. A lot of thst probably is tied to real estate.

Having said all that holy shit that's a lot of money. Assuming he's paying only the interest at 3% apr that's $36,000,000 a year. Fuck.

[-] Ufot@hexbear.net 4 points 8 months ago

Playing Rogue Fabe IV and Outerlands

Haven't really been in the story based single player mood so less and less Outerlands.

Stoked for the steam release for RFIV on Jan 26. Its gonna add a lot of new content.

Free web release version https://justin-wang123.itch.io/rogue-fable-iv

[-] Ufot@hexbear.net 17 points 8 months ago

Ya and I could have won eotm the last two months, should have even. Butt fucking Josh is bffs with the damn manager. Awards are rigged, dont try, don't meet your heros.

[-] Ufot@hexbear.net 3 points 8 months ago

Sounds like my dog. She's big, smart, sassy, sensitive, suspicious, playful, dominant and very clever. Quite a handful. 3 years old and 75lbs now. I love her.

Some unsolicited advice, whatever you're doing for training, is probably pretty good, if you're having trouble you just need to do it more consistently. It's better to do less things more consistently ,than more things only occasionally. And whatever your partners doing, it's probably pretty good too, but yall need to be on the exact same page. Seriously. Some dogs are easy, some dogs look for any gaps.

"Well one parent ignored me so it didn't feel good to do that thing but other parent gave me attention when I did it so guess I'm doing it again LOL!!"-Rena, probably.

Note the behaivors you don't like. Note their triggers/cues, and plan to have the same reaction/(or often times all you need to do is just not react), to the behaivor. Be exact. Don't give in. If she's anything like my dog she's just trying to party, and sorry big girl it can't always be a party.

[-] Ufot@hexbear.net 5 points 9 months ago

TLDR: Rogue Fable IV. Really impressed with its early version changes/upgrades from RFIII, which is my favorite roguelite by far. Just one person, passion project.

Highly reccomend.


Wrote this bottom part first and it started to ramble. Can't say enough good things. There's a roguelite called rogue fable 3 that ive hundreds of hours over the years before I finally was done with it. I thought it was just a great mix of challenge, variety, pace and enjoyment, while only taking 45-60 min to beat the game. There were days I binged but usually I just played the "daily challenge" and whether I won or lost it satisfied my "gaming itch".

Just a single developer doing all the work, with help from community feedback, he consistently updated the game to keep it feeling fresh, with no additional cost, for years.

Wasn't sure if I'd be interested in the new one, hard to recapture sparks, sequels often fell short, moved on with my life etc, but I started playing the prealpha version again and after lots of adjustments/testing/fiddling it just had its web release. I'm very impressed with the changes so far, new mechanics and solutions, more streamlined levels/encounters, more dynamic combat and skills.

It's free right now too so if you like games at all I'd give it a shot!

[-] Ufot@hexbear.net 7 points 1 year ago

I like the imitation made out of dog better.

[-] Ufot@hexbear.net 4 points 1 year ago

What are you doing now? I like it with those things sliced and sauted, air fried or baked. With oil.

I think it can be a bit of an acquired taste, as many fermented things are, but I see this always floating around for advice.


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