Well.. yeah. How else are you going to make piss grenades?
...I hope not =(
This panel is going to give me nightmares...
You can tell who they are, but they all look so old!
No, they were just downlisted from endangered to threatened (this was a few years back though)
Some people claim there's a movie between Star Trek IV and Star Trek VI, but I struggle to recall too.
That's what I love about chess. The barrier for entry is so low that anyone can play it pretty much anywhere.
You'll find it in wealthy areas, poor areas, schools, prisons. Kids play it, their parents play it, their grandparents play it, etc.
I've been meaning to do the same, but time keeps getting away from me.
I want to get past the adjustment period because I feel like I'm playing half-blind.
It's just so unique. I even found myself getting annoyed with the boss fights and plot, because it was distracting me from my deliveries.
I think OB/GYNs have 'crying at target' as a standard option on their symptom forms.
XKCD would be so perfect for textbooks!