[-] hdnsmbt@lemmy.world 78 points 1 month ago

Actual, literal toddlers are really taking over the US, aren't they?

[-] hdnsmbt@lemmy.world 69 points 3 months ago

"Oh no, a bad word!

Better cross it out so no-one thinks I'm using bad words.

But not all the way, so everyone still knows what the bad word is but also recognises my attempt to save them from seeing a bad word!

I'm such a good person (but also cool 😎)!"

[-] hdnsmbt@lemmy.world 82 points 5 months ago

Will they get to keep the produce? Otherwise, this is just slavery and very much in line with conservative ideology again.

[-] hdnsmbt@lemmy.world 66 points 9 months ago

Sure thing, just like he locked Clinton up. Why does anyone believe the stupid shit this idiot says?

[-] hdnsmbt@lemmy.world 103 points 10 months ago

"I'm gonna use a word I really shouldn't use. But people might get mad at me for doing so. But on the other hand, the word is really edgy and cool... That's it! I'll just cover up part of the word so people don't notice I'm using it! I'm so smart!"

[-] hdnsmbt@lemmy.world 134 points 1 year ago

"My computer is broken, it won't turn on!"

"Are you sure it's plugged in?"

"You think I'm stupid? Of course it's plugged in! It's broken!"

"Sometimes the plug isn't in all the way and then it won't work."

"I know how to plug in a plug, it just won't turn on because it is b-r-o-k-e-n!"

"Are you sure the plug is all the way in?"

"It's all the way in. My computer is broken!"

"Im coming down there and if the plug isnt all the way in, I'll be pissed and mock you."


Goes down there and plugs the plug all the way in

Computer starts

[-] hdnsmbt@lemmy.world 73 points 1 year ago

"Fuck". The word is "fuck", kids.

This is not US cable TV, you can use all the words.

[-] hdnsmbt@lemmy.world 118 points 1 year ago

The US really looks at war criminals and goes "yeah, they should be able to live out the rest of their lives in peace in their own home, surrounded by loved ones" while at the same time locking up black guys for 20 years because they smoked a funny cigarette. And other countries still take them seriously. We're all idiots, no exceptions.

[-] hdnsmbt@lemmy.world 67 points 1 year ago

And yet men go for the women with long eyelashes. Just because men aren't aware of it doesn't mean the women's moves don't work.

But even if they didn't, imagine this: Women can change the way they look entirely without wanting to look hotter for men. Shocking, I know.

[-] hdnsmbt@lemmy.world 139 points 1 year ago* (last edited 1 year ago)

I wouldn't call it "thinking". Conservatives react more than anything. They react to progress (--> hate), change (--> hate) and things they're not familiar with (--> hate). They don't pro-actively think per se.

[-] hdnsmbt@lemmy.world 103 points 1 year ago

Not the food wasting one.

[-] hdnsmbt@lemmy.world 109 points 1 year ago

Microsoft may replace the Start button with the Copilot AI in Windows 12

Yeah, they could also replace the start button with a shit emoji. But there's no indication at all anybody wants to do any of that because they're not idiots. You only said that so people visit your shitty website. In fact, not even the quote you reference for your article suggests any plans of replacing the start button whatsoever:

“The Copilot is like the Start button,” Nadella explains. “It becomes the orchestrator of all your app experiences. So for example, I just go there and express my intent and it either navigates me to an application or it brings the application to the Copilot, so it helps me learn, query and create — and completely changes, I think, the user habits.”

Fuck clickbait headlines and fuck websites bending any and all content to the SEO voodoo.

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