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[-] NotGeorge@lemmy.world 27 points 2 years ago

There's Noah way God would do something like that.

[-] Lemmylefty@lemmy.world 17 points 2 years ago* (last edited 2 years ago)

No way? Yahweh.

[-] starlinguk@kbin.social 13 points 2 years ago

I don't understand why people say "I trust God". He had his own son nailed to a cross, FFS.

People in the middle ages got it right. "I do what God tells me because he scares the crap out of me."

[-] SJ0@lemmy.fbxl.net 6 points 2 years ago

I've been reading through the old stories for the first time in my life, and in my view, you can only read them through the lens of a series of allegorical lessons intended to warn about consequences that do take place in the real world, and those consequences can be beyond lethal.

History will wipe your entire bloodline out if you make bad enough mistakes. Ask the Hitlers.

[-] Someone@feddit.uk 2 points 2 years ago

That’s the way they were taught to me, but I’m starting to think I was pretty lucky with my schools/parish. There was no sex ed though so not that lucky.

[-] HawlSera@lemm.ee 1 points 1 year ago

If I run into someone actually named Hitler, he's probably not related to Adolf, but wishes he was...

[-] SJ0@lemmy.fbxl.net 3 points 1 year ago

I'm thinking they might not wish they were related to Adolf, but might have some similar ideas about what to do to their parents for giving them such a damned name.

[-] HawlSera@lemm.ee 1 points 1 year ago

I was thinking of a Neo Nazi calling himself that to be "cool"

[-] SJ0@lemmy.fbxl.net 2 points 1 year ago

I get sometimes folks are just being edgelords(hail Satan amirite?), but anyone looking at the cringefest of national socialism as anything but the most retarded ideology to come out of the human race needs to read more from non-austrian authors. :P

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[-] Diprount_Tomato@lemmy.world 6 points 2 years ago

The ten plagues of Egypt:

[-] Lemmylefty@lemmy.world 5 points 2 years ago

Or seen The Prince of Egypt. “The Plagues” is one of the best tracks on a hell of a soundtrack.

[-] BornVolcano@lemmy.world 2 points 2 years ago

I send a pestilence, a plague

[-] FlashMobOfOne@lemmy.world 5 points 2 years ago

That's the beauty of Christianity.

The Bible is so full of contradictions that you can get it to fit any worldview you want.

[-] kromem@lemmy.world 3 points 2 years ago

Only if simultaneously being willfully obtuse and ignorant.

For example, in Mark, Matthew, and Luke, Jesus forbids those going out to minister from brining a purse or money.

This necessarily prevents monetary collections.

So why is the church okay with taking your money today?

In part, rationalized by Paul's arguments in 1 Cor 9 against the earlier Christian community there that don't think it's appropriate to profiteer off ministering.

But then even more, at the last supper in Luke, Jesus explicitly says "Hey guys, remember when I said not to carry purses? Let's reverse that and now definitely carry purses."

Except this addition to the last super in Luke-Acts is missing in Marcion's version of that gospel, which is probably preserving the earliest extant version of it.

So while yes, you could in theory fit Jesus in the NT to agree with Paul that churches and those ministering have a right to profit from it and should definitely collect money from people (like they do in Acts 5 where an older couple who holds back money are both struck dead before Peter) - an even halfway critical eye should see that the historical Jesus was far more likely to have been against such practices given the widespread accounts of his ban, the earlier attitudes in Corinth, its embarrassing nature to be added in after already collecting money, and the late nature of the reversal.

And to see that much like biological evolution, ideas evolve over time too, and the version of Christianity we have today isn't necessarily the one closest to the original form, but simply the form that was most adaptive through the fall of the Jerusalem temple, the endorsement of Rome, etc.

So yes, few people might know or see it this way, but that is largely because they don't bother looking into their preconceptions and would rather believe a superficial picture that agrees with what they think they know (and I'm not only talking about Christians here either).

[-] HawlSera@lemm.ee 3 points 1 year ago

Yeah a lot of people miss things like context, knowledge of the time period, and a proper understanding of theology when they talk shit about the Bible. I'm not Christian myself, but a close friend of mine is Catholic, and after hearing his clarifications on supposed Biblical Plotholes and how much more complicated the subject is... Well it definitely made me start squinting at oversimplifications concerning theology with a little more scrutiny.

[-] alex_02@infosec.pub 3 points 1 year ago

Also there have been many problems with text being lost in translation or altered like several letters by Paul were merged at some point by a scribe and it was copied over as is.

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[-] Tyfud@lemmy.one 2 points 2 years ago

Except the one that actually makes the world a better place.

[-] MonsiuerPatEBrown@reddthat.com 2 points 2 years ago

"Tattoos are a sin."

"Dad, you have a tattoo."

"Yeah, but Jesus forgave me."

[-] FlyingSquid@lemmy.world 1 points 2 years ago

I kind of want a "Leviticus 19:28" tattoo, but a bunch of idiot Christians will think I'm one of them.

[-] p03locke@lemmy.dbzer0.com 2 points 1 year ago

Also, using Leviticus verses in the scope of Christianity. The OT is the Jewish bible. NT is all of Jesus' stuff. Christians mix this up all the damn time.

[-] MonsiuerPatEBrown@reddthat.com 1 points 2 years ago* (last edited 2 years ago)

I live in a neighborhood with lots of these Christian types. They don't want "those gays" because Bible but Jesus forgave them for their divorce. They don't want pride flags on people's shirts but they wear clothing of different fabrics and different colors other than white because "those laws of God's aren't important because Jesus."

It is just as cognitive trick to make people feel ok about their sins while still getting to point fingers at the rest of the world.

And really ... how peaceful are people that think anyone not "with them" are going to suffer eternally ? What they mean is that they are going to torture you in this world while feeling fine about torturing you.

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[-] VubDapple@lemmy.world 4 points 2 years ago

Not only hasn't read the bible. Also hasn't seen The Ten Commandments which definitely shows god creating a deadly plague. Charlton Heston would like a word.

[-] lamentforicarus@lemmy.world 6 points 2 years ago

Or Prince of Egypt which has one of the best soundtracks and great animation. I'm not a Christian but even I know about the damn plague that got those little Egyptian kids.

[-] cmbabul@lemmy.world 1 points 2 years ago

I was raised Christian, and i was considered a superstar in Sunday school because I knew the Bible stories better than most of the ‘teachers’

[-] assassin_aragorn@lemmy.world 2 points 2 years ago

It's honestly a good book to be fairly well versed in. You can cut through so much right wing bullshit with that knowledge. And it's fun to call them out on it.

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[-] neoman4426@kbin.social 1 points 2 years ago

Hell, not only does YHWH kill many innocent children, a big part of the story is how he literally brainwashes the pharaoh to have an excuse to do so. YHWH explicitly "hardened his heart, and the heart of his servants, that I might shew these my signs before him"

[-] JackbyDev@programming.dev 1 points 2 years ago

TFW god could've just softened his heart and avoided the whole thing altogether.

[-] halvar@lemm.ee 1 points 2 years ago

Nah, He over that phase now, was kind of childish to begin with. Now it's "why make a deadly plague, if the chinese are going to do it anyway?"

[-] III@lemmy.world 1 points 2 years ago

God works in mysterious ways.

[-] Sarcastik@lemmy.world 1 points 2 years ago

This coming from the politician having orgies and cheating on her husband with her CrossFit gym owner.

I could give a shit, but the hypocrisy is real.

Exodus 20:17

You shall not covet your neighbor’s house. You shall not covet your neighbor’s wife, or his male or female servant, his ox or donkey, or anything that belongs to your neighbor.

[-] DarkThoughts@kbin.social 2 points 2 years ago

MTG a cheater? No way, I always thought she was a woman of faith. SMH ... /s

[-] Asafum@lemmy.world 1 points 2 years ago

She's a woman of very strong faith. She has faith that as long as she spouts the "correct" kind of bullshit, she'll have money flowing in and all the power she craves...

The worst kind of faith. Faith in success for being a hypocrite.

[-] yata@sh.itjust.works 1 points 2 years ago

If not for double standards Republicans would have no standards at all. But this isn't really even double standards, because she doesn't believe in most of the nonsense she spouts herself, she just lets it out because Trump has learnt her that that is the thing their voters wants to hear.

[-] assassin_aragorn@lemmy.world 1 points 2 years ago

having orgies

I'm charging you for the mental bleach I now need.

[-] Sarcastik@lemmy.world 1 points 1 year ago

Put it on my tab. Misery loves company.

[-] psud@lemmy.world 1 points 2 years ago

People complain about people saying "I could care less" when they mean "I couldn't care less" (I care so little that I cannot care less)

I don't care about it, since it's clear what they mean.

You're the first where I'm not sure whether you mean what you say and are playing on the common phrase "couldn't give a shit" or whether you are messing up that phrase in exactly the same way as the 'care less' one

Like are you saying you would have time for them if it weren't for their hypocrisy, or that you have no time for them except to point at the hypocrisy?

[-] Blackmist@feddit.uk 1 points 2 years ago

Oh come on, he only killed a couple of million.

I mean, it's more than I've managed, but he's no Stalin.

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