America put Nazi general Franz Halder on their payroll to write a history of the war for the US military and basically accepted it uncritically for decades:
I've been active in the Palestine-solidarity-movement for some time now, and I've learned that you can never, never make a comparison between the ethnic cleansing of the Palestinians and their subsequent submission to apartheid conditions on the one hand, and the nazi's on the other hand because immediatly you're branded as an anti-semite.
There's some merit to that argument, because the Holocaust actually was the worst thing humanity ever did: the industrial destruction of entire races is unmatched in cruelty.
But seeing how everyone is comparing Putin, and before that: vaccine mandates, to the nazi's in much more stupid ways then I've ever seen in the Palestine solidarity movement, without their being any sort of pushback in the same fashion as against pro-Palestinian statements really shows a double standard.
I can understand people saying "it's not the same as the Holocaust", but when the refuse to acknowledge the similarities between apartheid South Africa and Israel that's when I know they're only using that as a thought terminating cliché
Also it's totally valid to ask why a post holocaust Jewish state is actively creating ghettos and implementing race laws. Those are not "the Holocaust" proper, but all the policies that led up to it.
Sometimes you get based answers on Quora and some guy saw someone trying to downplay the atrocities of the Axis and he posted like 40 of the most insane, gruesome images from WW2 and it really impressed on me how little I actually onew about it.
I think people underestimate the sheer level of suffering and brutality that came to pass in that period. The USA was spared almost all of it.
I think if you put aside how awful they are, the Putin/Hitler comparisons are kind of hilarious in the way they specifically cherry-pick some bad thing that Putin did but not Hitler.
"That asshole in the pickup truck is worse than Hitler because at least Hitler never cut me off in traffic"
Say what you will about Hitler, at least he killed Hitler.
The only person in history to kill Hitler, in fact.
I’m not sure if we’re alone in that - everyone on my TL who has been sharing snippets of the wiki article on appeasement over the last few weeks has been European
The Br*ts are haunted by Chamberlain, who in their narrative started WW2 by not starting WW2 earlier
We beat the nazis. What else do we need to know about it???
We nuked Japan because we had no choice and everyone agreed it was the best idea ever.
Especially the Japanese.
The Japanese right did end up milking the everloving fuck out of it to rebrand Japan as sympathetic victims, so I would not be surprised if some within the Japanese ruling clique are secretly somewhat pleased that it happened.
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