All you gotta do is pedal hard enough to break the chain and ride straight up the wall.
You can make it if you just believe in yourself!
(although in reality that wall is 10 miles high)
All you gotta do is pedal hard enough to break the chain and ride straight up the wall.
You can make it if you just believe in yourself!
(although in reality that wall is 10 miles high)
You can only make it to the top by stepping on other people's shoulders
I'd prefer to just spawn at the top, and never have to contemplate that pedaling life.
I took the RISK of investing in making workers build the unicycle profit scooper
now you have to use your own unicycle and smart phone app at the same time but you can't use the smart phone while on the unicycle.
and while you must smile you are not allowed to sing.
Hmm as long as I can paint my unicycle and have a big cool wheel
And the way to change it is to Vote Vote Vote! Vote for the Democrats! This time they are really gonna do it.
I agree with this image, and I'm quite curious to see what "rich" tastes like... But I feel like the mechanics of this picture took me a second or two longer than it should to understand.
Edit: like are they balancing their unicycles on the larger cylinder? They must have really good balance to manage that for more than a second. And if that is true, what happens if they fall forwards? I see the danger if them falling backwards, but does that mean they just can't fall forwards?
it's illustrating how they have to work really hard in a very precarious conditions to keep the system running. Falling off is equivalent to losing your job/savings and ending up on the street.
I think ultimately it is just that they are working to turn the cylinder that moves the cog that elevates the resources upward and then they're hoping they get some overspill.
Memes should be entertaining and/or funny. This one is neither :(
Memes are just general concepts that spread within the culture. It's a way to transmit an idea. Meanwhile, what's funny or entertaining is in the eye of the beholder. Seems like your sense of humor differs from the rest of the community.
That looks more like feudalism.
For Capitalism there should be multiple different money scoops, some better designed than others. There should also be a greased-up rope that leads from the unicycle-bar to the top, showing that it's theoretically possible to rise to a different class, it's just practically impossible.
Capitalism is a dynamic system that evolves over time. The general mechanics of the system lead to increased capital concentration over time, so late stage capitalism starts to look largely indistinguishable from feudalism.