Fredrik Knudsen's video on EVE is really fascinating stuff, though more focused on in-universe events. I don't recall him even bringing this up in the vid which seems like a huge miss, I just recall various claims of admins giving benefits to certain users unchecked for a while. Also tracks with the monetization changes the devs made that universally pissed off their whole playerbase, unironic lolbertarians are wild
You fucking nerds made a 5 hour video about a fucking game
What a shitty game
I spent ages botting with like 10 accounts, from bot mining in a rented nullsec system to bot faction warfare amassing a stupid amount of isk for one player, then having decided I had enough funds to have fun, joined some corps and realised I didn't enjoy the game at all
Should log on and sell off the characters and ISK some day
That's so realistic though
I don't really like Thor, and he's not being entirely truthful here, but CCP is full of shit. EVE has seen better days.
g*mes and their consequences…
This would have never happened if CCP Guard was still there. Rip permaband. In all seriousness, CCP seems like an awful place to work but there are still good people that work there. Although they either leave like Guard or Snorlax or get worse like Hilmar. Aurora still seems okay, but for how long remains to be seen.
Posting pirate software should be illegal. I never really understood the appeal of eve i imagine its very much a sunk cost fallacy game i don't really see how new players can get into it. I tried it out a few times and put a decent amount of time into the game it mostly devolved into either doing missions or mining and both were very boring. Gameplay is clunky, grind is intense, only recommendation is to join a corp where i would do the exact same activities but get taxed.
I did play with a few friends and do some lowsec mining but nothing interesting ever happened its only ever nullsec ganks anyway
Hilmar having an underling write his big "apology" letter
how much did you get when you sold your accounts?
My surface level understanding of the game made it seem like the kind of thing that I would have loved at some point in my life, but the more I learn about it, the more I'm glad I never gave it a shot.
I noticed they are trash tier after playing few days and my ship evaporating with nearly my entire progress. I kinda liked that game, but this is complete dealbreaker.
I found a YouTube link in your post. Here are links to the same video on alternative frontends that protect your privacy:
Why can I not escape this lib? Why must Pirate Software be posted everywhere?!
Tabletop, DnD, board games, and minecraft. Also Animal Crossing.
3rd International Volunteer Brigade (Hexbear gaming discord)
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