I thought they were doing it so that the rich people could keep all of the things and not let the poor people have them?
They had this on Znation! They called it a fourth wave weapon. Literally exists to make sure no one can take the US even if we all die
Isn't that literally the plan? It's called M.A.D(Mutually Assured Destruction) in other words: We blow ourselves up so you can't have it.
No, MAD is I have nukes and can also obliterate you and everyone you care about so you better not launch your nukes.
Is my computer clock on the first fritz again? I thought it was still only 2025.
Oh, it's humor! Indeed. Such an implausible headline! Haha!
MAGA: "If WE can't have America, NOBODY CAN!!!"
Basically a Hugh Howey novel
I'd say all the research towards minimizing the aftereffects of radiation means govs are looking to normalize using them in clearing occupied real estate quickly.
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