[-] AmericaDelendaEst@hexbear.net 58 points 2 months ago

if it doesn't i'm going to continue to be so unbelievably smug over how my "adventurism works" post seems to have been vindicated by this adventurism working

[-] AmericaDelendaEst@hexbear.net 69 points 2 months ago

but, as everyone keeps saying whenever this comes up, the only reason they're talking about this is because they were trying to deny him bail and they cited the cash and the bag, which is why he made a statement on those things, but not the other things (which were not being brought up to deny him bail)


reddit liberals in the comments doing math on how many life sentences it would take to remove all the billionaires


Take a potato and then either boil or steam the potato until it's tender. Like you wanna poke a fork or knife in and go "oh yeah, that's tender" and then they're good.

Then you let them cool down until they're cool enough to handle, then get your fangers in there and shred 'em up, just tear them into bite sized pieces.

Once you got your chunks, throw them in the deep fryer and fry those bad boys until they're golden brown and crisp all over

Then toss 'em in salt and seasoning. Today I did a little bit of Old Bay and then some creole seasoning because i don't really like old bay

There you go, you have one of the sexiest potatoes imaginable, it'll look something like this:

Lol, lmao even (hexbear.net)
[-] AmericaDelendaEst@hexbear.net 67 points 3 months ago

I ffucking told y'all yesterday that Reddit was going nuts over this shit. I just saw a long comment chain in fucking /r/technology out for CEO blood

It's really like the astroturfers have been turned off. They don't know what message to push, or they just can't drown out the real people this time, it's wild and glorious


Just wondering what the consensus would be. Is it good and fine (if you like the taste, of course) because it is truly 100% vegan? Or would y'all consider it a horrifying simulacrum of a product of cruelty towards animals?

I am asking because I'm a vegan chef and I was excited to find out that they're making animal-free "dairy" milk through bacterial/fungal fermentation, because plant based "milks" don't really work the same as cow milk does. And theoretically if it has the right proteins/fats it could be used to make vegan cheese that has the actual properties of cheese? So like I think it's very exciting personally. But I'd like to know what others think before I suggest we try to order some, since it'd be a waste if nobody actually wanted to eat anything made with it.

[-] AmericaDelendaEst@hexbear.net 54 points 3 months ago

Fucking redditors think he WAS run over

[-] AmericaDelendaEst@hexbear.net 63 points 3 months ago

If you're part of the govt during that fascist regime what does that mean


But i thought comin' to Jesus was a sin 🤔

[-] AmericaDelendaEst@hexbear.net 55 points 3 months ago

redditors are predictably like OMG FINALLY THANK YOU MR PRESIDENT PLEASE BURN MOSCOW soypoint-2


Russia wants Trump to win, right? Well, Trump only won because of Joe Biden doing nothing for 4 years, then staying in the race despite being clearly too demented to be competent right up until it was too late- these actions DIRECTLY resulted in TRUMP'S ELECTION.


[-] AmericaDelendaEst@hexbear.net 73 points 3 months ago

Quick guys what's 69 million plus 650k?? It's more than 74 million right???


just sayin' dawg

[-] AmericaDelendaEst@hexbear.net 79 points 4 months ago

Because the democrats have done nothing but piss on people and tell them it's golden rain for 4 years, then campaign on "that guy will piss on you harder" while actively courting that guy's main supporters instead of getting votes from people who don't want to be pissed on


why aren't you doing your part?


Like what the fuck IS this? In order to know anything meaningful about a house, I need it inspected, but to get it inspected I need to fucking put money down AND PAY FOR THE FUCKING INSPECTION and if it's fucked and I don't want to buy it then woops I lose all this fucking money? Jesus fucking christ it's a turbo charged version of the apartment application fee scam. Fucking christ. Who decided on all this bullshit? Infinite guillotines for all of them

This is one of those things that just really go to show the fucked up extremism of the bourgeoisie, like, you could have capitalist hell and still have like mandatory state run inspections, the details of which are public, for every property being sold. But woops, nope, fuck you peasant

You'd think with how this country jerks itself raw over home owners it wouldn't be this way, but WOOPS

This post brought to you by my gf and I being incredibly anxious over maybe buying a house that seems okay but has a slab foundation so like i don't fucking know what condition the plumbing is in


I am teetering on the knife's edge in this playthrough but it's 1843 and I don't remember how (this is an old save lol) but I have Persia, Dai Nam, and Burma as protectorates, soo close to having a negative liberty desire increase (just need my infamy to drop), just got Benin as well, so while maybe I'm doing some horrible colonialism, the good news is I've prevented the Anglos and the Fr*nch from their usual easy avenues of expansion.

I just need to yknow, not fuck up (i have literally no idea where to go from here lol)

[-] AmericaDelendaEst@hexbear.net 55 points 5 months ago

Along with the healthcare workers, one member of the patient's household developed symptoms, but also was not tested, according to the CDC.

absolutely criminal failure of public health to just let these people go home without at least being heavily monitored

can't wait until someone decides to go to Kohl's or Walmart while coughing out bird flu because there's literally no accountability for anything

[-] AmericaDelendaEst@hexbear.net 66 points 6 months ago

Liberals always fail to explain how Russia paying companies to push a message is more Russian influence than, idk, the influence of those fucking companies they're paying. IT'S ALMOST LIKE CAPITALISM IS INCOMPATIBLE WITH DEMOCRACY, WHICH FUCKING ALBERT FUCKING EINSTEIN STATED IN SUCH SUCCINCT TERMS A FUCKING BABY COULD UNDERSTAND IT, LIKE 100 YEARS AGO

[-] AmericaDelendaEst@hexbear.net 57 points 6 months ago

"What is there to defend"

the comparison, you stupid motherfucker

Trump said some fucked up fascist shit about how he could kill people in the streets and get away with it without actually doing it. Kamala Harris as DA literally fought to keep innocent people in prison for their labor. Which is worse? You might be a liberal moron if you choose the former

[-] AmericaDelendaEst@hexbear.net 58 points 6 months ago* (last edited 6 months ago)

Kamala harris literally fought to keep exonerated inmates in prison for the value of their slave labor, which you'd know if you paid attention in 2020, so please go piss yourself to death

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