If they want you to be over 6ft it's only fair to ask them to lose the dead weight. My kid hasn't made a dime yet, every year the books are in the red. Scrooge McDuck warned us all.
The US media keeps trying to make it sound like this was a weakness of SK democracy. I see it as a strength that their laws to protect it work and they will use them. We just let insurrectionists run for president and if they win charges dropped.
Past would be like: "Remember that Christmas morning when you and your Grandpa went to one his Emerald mines and watched one of his "workers" get punished for taking a pause HEY why is this your most cherished Xmas memory?"
People like it when you compliment them. So next time you are in a voice chat and your roommate is nearby, start talking about how handsome they are and how large their genitals are. They wont be bothered by your talking ever again.
There's a third dimension now?
If I was in Texas I'd be checking my voter registration. They are one of those states indiscriminately removing people from them.
Please don't ask me how I managed to take this picture...
When your party is just a front for Russian election interference then the details don't matter
He liked to watch
How not once did Picard hang dong in the entire series. Writers just don't understand what people want these days.
A kindergarten class threatened to boycott milk time if the teacher didn't play Peppa pig. The cops were called in to help deescalate.
There were no survivors.
If I survived the ending of Google+ these kids can survive their tick tocks closing too