It turned out that gatekeepers were the only ones keeping the hoard of idiots and rubes off the Internet. RIP quality free content.
Communicate with the individual you're with.
No they don't. "Christians" don't read, especially their own handbooks. To the point where if you quote something from the bible that disagrees with their ignorant bullshit they get extra mad.
You asked for this, now enjoy having your pet leopard gnaw your face off.
This guy was always a bastard. So of course Trump's bootlickers love him.
I ditched this crap years ago. Fuck this Trojan horse.
Made with 100% pure imitation chocolate.
He must have found where Trump hid one of his vertebrae.
The Ruskies are getting him ready for Xmas.
joined 3 months ago
No there's really people that stupid. It's tragic.