Is being freeze dried less bad than being encased in ice?
Is it just me or does anyone else have to fight the urge to be horribly misogynistic to these Trump worshippers? I always fall back to my gender-neutral profanity (such as "Trump's shit-guzzler") but I just feel a deep rooted desire to be as maximally offensive to and about MAGA cultists and enablers as humanly possible. I know it's lazy but I mean if anyone deserves to be insulted in the most extreme way possible it's these creatures.
Good on ya fellas. Don't allow our Orange Idiot fuck with you.
Person who sweats his ass off drinks much more water than most people.
Wow, what a fucking crisis that wasn't.
It's gonna take a century or a civil war (or both) to recover from all this shit.
I showed this to my fiance; she's 5' and has the same exact shoe size.
Block news subs.
Rubio: I'm not so little anymore, Daddy Trump says so!
Eric: My father never calls me little. In fact he never calls me at all.
Literalist: The glass contains about 50% water.
Nihilist: The glass doesn't matter.
Anarchist: The glass is now full of piss.
Absurdist: the glass is now upside-down without spilling the water.
Me: I don't know who's glass this is so it's going in the sink.
Good riddance.
That's because it's never been about rehabilitation - ever. It's a punishment system.