Go to the Middle East and help us pls 🙂
Yes ,I’m helping him 😅
Haha it’s ok comrade
حماس صعب تقصف اسرائيل في صواريخ
لكن حزب الله رح يضرب كتير
ان شاء الله رح تتفكك اسرائيل و ترجع فلسطين بالكامل
واحنا نحب الشعوب الأفريقية أنها من اكتر الشعوب مناضلة و مقاومة عبر تاريخ و شكرا لك على دعمك و وقوفك معنا يا اخي
The West Bank is like this lol ,Gaza loves Madrid more
He said you reminded him of his friends that were martyred ,he hates the night nowadays because when the night comes he can’t stop thinking of his friends and the sons and daughters of his uncles that have been martyred ,he keeps dreaming of them
Al Najah University in Nablus
Good 👍
I wanna dunk on crackers ,especially Reddit liberal crackers
joined 8 months ago
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