You'd be first in line bitching that your TV fell over if they moved them in 6". Wall mounts are $18.... buy one
Well no shit. Nobody wants to watch sex scenes with their parents, and when rent costs 3 used cars per month they don't have a ton of choice.
Thank God you censored the word SHIT so we didn't all need a group hug meeting .
Rock chips/dust. There, saved you a click.
Fuck all those old sacks of ass.
If you are a dude sit down to pee when you are home.... feels weird for like a day but it is fantastic. No more trying to aim on the middle of the night while trying to close your eyes, no more rouge pee stream, just a like moment to sit and relax.
Don't fucking ruin it Gary.
Oooor how bout we just fucking stop talking about and using Twitter
Yes it is. Get the fuck out of the isle and talk. I shouldn't be held up because you Wana tell someone else about your boring ass kids.
Everyone acts like this is hurting reddit. It doesn't make a fuck what they write on that board, every person who places a dot helps Reddit by being a added number on the user board.
I will never use Pinterest because of this shit. I just want to see the pic I found on Google, I will not download your bullshit to see it.