Yo Shadow Raiders was a sick show
I have a lot of hours of Morrowind and Doom 1&2, as well as Warcraft 2 and Ultima Online, but I dunno the hour count
That way I can use my phone for my favourite way to get my temperature!
I'll let you come up with a mental image of that, on the house
Apollo Justice?
The cops had came
Too much for Cree
Oh will we ever be set free
Ah yeah I remember he came from a monkey tree, like the song! Or perhaps it was a mountain
We used to install this on school computers along with island: a game of survival, and a counterstrike clone, and then all them flash games
Why not just post the list, I'm sitting on the shitter and don't want to turn on sound considering that I've been forced back into the office
Maybe they should stop all the genocidin' if they want to get out of poverty... can't squeeze money from a stone
While that may be true, the original post stated that you could buy a used car for the cost of a new ebike. It didn't mention the additional costs of ownership, hence we can leave them out of the qualifier. It's not unreasonable to say that the purchase of a used car could be similar in price to that of the purchase of a new ebike.
Like someone at the bar whose seat is too far from the counter, he was trying to push his stool in
Matt Damon is looking rough