How long until every consumer electronic device in the US has a bomb in it for "national security"?
Oh no! What will China do when these superhumans that do the work of 1000 people leave? If 100 millionaires leave that's like 100,000 workers leaving the workforce!
It's illegal to be cishet this month...which means you're all committing crimes and that's pretty sick
The people who got $500,000 in PPP loans for their boat dealership and never had to pay anything back
"China is curing diabetes, but at what cost?"
Every crisis an opportunity for
And American factory workers were eating ham sandwiches or McDonald's lmao
Starfield is already shit but in five years it'll look like bloody green shit
They know that and they're betting on being able to complete the ethnic cleansing and have it completely normalized by the west. Every neoliberal politician in the world is trying their hardest to shut down opposition because they also want to do the same to their own "undesirables".
Democrat is president > military is woke > chuds side with enemies of the state
And yet Kissinger still lives
Taylor Swift is a billionaire who takes 30 minute private jet flights to avoid being in traffic. Fuck her.