Please peep the edit
the yaoi paddle
Anime con memories reawakened
Waow so it's intolerably annoying and frustrating
Hah, sorry, I just don't see it. Fwiw I like LUCT better than FFT, but I think the class system in FFT is super fun to engage with and it's way more fun to customize a class with the variety of skills you unlock than in LUCT where classes are fairly static. There's way more things to do than just hit the enemy. I also find ogre more frustrating because it's so much fucking more difficult (although, that actually why I like it more, too!)
"Song of the Long March," which is set in Tang China and has a great portrayal of the deeply interwoven relationships between Han Chinese and Uyghurs in that historical period
Interesting. Any reason it's named after the long march despite being in a wildly different historical period?
Kinda reminds of a sequence in the middle of Animal Man where the story kind of just stops dead and the author looks to the reader and says "slaughtering dolphins is bad"
it vacillates between horny weirdness and stuff like stopping the story to educate its readers about the Rohingya genocide.
Well, Urasawa's Pluto is a retelling of an Astroboy storyline, if you're interested
Hm, maybe I'll check out Octave because it's shorter.
what if Death Note was about Deadpool
What do you mean by this? I generally find Deadpool's memey internet bait humor persona to be incredibly grating, but the premise of the manga seems interesting.
ZOM 100: Bucket List of the Dead is amazing and manages to be a hopeful, class-conscious, pro-social zombie story
This sounds really interesting, too, considering how reactionary the genre is.
Booty Royale: Never Go Down Without a Fight
This just sounds like Queen's Blade lol
Lmao TJ.
There's surely a picture of him in the dictionary next to the word "Reddit Atheist"
Fuck. Can someone screenshot it so I can see?
I've been naughty lately ๐๐
I didn't use ninjas too often but when I did, I used them as harass/executioners.
They're highly mobile, so they can stay out of range and not take damage. They have high melee damage, so I use spells to soften enemies up, and when the enemy is low enough for a kill, I'd move in and take it. It's important that you know you can get the kill because they really can't take a counter attack.
I felt the same about Valkyries, but I used them anyway because they're fucking cool.
I played ghost of Tsushima on PC and don't remember making a PSN account