hey ton', there's this new game coming out called "Rock Band," it's like Guitar Hero 'sept there's drums, bass, and a microphone.
a linux distro for extreme beginners in tech and elderly people
Android on a tablet.
They call that the Peter Principle, and there's at least one Ig Nobel Prize winning study which found that it's better to randomly promote people rather than promote based on job performance.
I wouldn't say no but I would feel deeply ashamed afterward.
The dogs wouldn't be strays if their homes hadn't been destroyed and owners hadn't been killed
This Torrent dates to 2019 which would be before the Final Cut came out. I haven't verified it myself to see if it's still the original voices but pirate links from 2019 would be where I'd look.
lemme think about it.
dinosaurs are awesome!
I've decided that we should.
When I was a kid they called me "The Juicebox"
It is in Star Wars