[-] Wheaties@hexbear.net 35 points 2 weeks ago

we're governed by the kids who took debate as an elective to round out their collage applications and resumes

fucking exhausting and bleak

[-] Wheaties@hexbear.net 35 points 2 months ago

In a scene from the The Rings of Power, Amazon's lavish but somewhat unloved Lord of the Rings prequel, a mob of sword-wielding, scaly-faced orcs go at Sauron like a table of famished diners at a bloody steak. Seemingly vanquished, the wannabe Dark Lord pulls off a disappearing trick only to return as a misshapen tangle of black fibers, gorging on vermin and eventually people until he is rebuilt in human form, albeit unrecognizable.

who approved this for the opening paragarph

[-] Wheaties@hexbear.net 35 points 5 months ago

By what means does the linen become a coat?

That's the point logos235 is making right? That without the labor theory of value the whole thing falls apart

[-] Wheaties@hexbear.net 34 points 9 months ago

he'd be the kind of person to be shocked that the second glass is the cheaper stuff. That's party 101, that's in the bible

[-] Wheaties@hexbear.net 36 points 9 months ago

With the bill, Utah joins a long-standing small-c conservative push to promote states’ rights

it's written like they're trying to pass this off as a thing with precedent and nothing new, but... kinda seems like Utah is trying to keep the LDS church from being investigated or prosecuted federally? That seems pretty unprecedented. For a long time, the Church has had this belief in a prophecy that it's destined to Save The Country by folding the constitutional systems into its own structures. A kinda Catholic Papacy / Roman Empire sorta style deal. They're sitting on a lot of money, and it's more than just tithing. That I'm aware of, the LDS church owns a significant amount of ranch-land in Nevada, Idaho, and Florida; as well as a bunch of stock in a wide variety of companies. The big one I've heard about is The Coca-Cola Company (KO).

At it's most crass, they're a dragon looking to protect their hoard. But... as a social organization, they cultivate a lot of capital-t capital-b True Believers, and not just in general membership. I'm sure there are cynics in leadership... but I suspect they're in the minority. Utah may be the indicator of interesting times.

[-] Wheaties@hexbear.net 34 points 1 year ago

also, in 2020, they had a VR/AR category for Alyx, and then never had the category again.

VR's killer app killed it.

[-] Wheaties@hexbear.net 34 points 1 year ago

Yeesh, he's been the main spring in that engine for years now. Wonder what happens next...

[-] Wheaties@hexbear.net 34 points 1 year ago

The old implementation was fine. This machines are great for getting people with a small number of purchases out of line and out the door. But that wasn't enough, now they feel the need to have only the self-checkouts. Turns out? It stinks! They bottle-necked their own ability to take customer's money for no reason.

[-] Wheaties@hexbear.net 35 points 1 year ago

that's a lot of storage

too bad I don't have a sound card

[-] Wheaties@hexbear.net 35 points 1 year ago* (last edited 1 year ago)

:the-republican: new, horrible and unpopular policy

:the-democrat: horrible and unpopular policy, expanded and refined, given the rubber stamp of 'progressive' legitimacy

[-] Wheaties@hexbear.net 35 points 1 year ago

Yeah, however they weighed the old one was perfect. I get we have to go with the overall algorithm for federatin'... but that just means all of Lemmy is in desperate need of a better ruleset.

[-] Wheaties@hexbear.net 35 points 1 year ago

They need to see him as a villain, for his ascendancy to power to be a fluke or the result of cheating. The alternative is too much for them. The ultimate truth:

Trump is the quintessential 21st century American president. A catty gameshow host, a silver-spoon socialite, an unrelenting narcissist. The guy who does petty cons and outright thefts to every lawyer, contractor, and business partner he's ever had. If that isn't true americana, nothing is. Sure, he belongs in a cell, but so does every other president...

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