[-] dcx 1 points 2 years ago

The thing I’m crunching on is like a kidney stone. It’s just not passing despite a ton of straining. ☠️When I’m done I’m gonna get me a fancy celebratory meal (and post it ofc)

[-] dcx 1 points 2 years ago

Very cool, thanks for the heads up. We will put this on the backlog, I agree that we should set ourselves up with a scalable pattern for this.

[-] dcx 1 points 2 years ago

Wow this is interesting, would you be able to share an example link that works from this site?

[-] dcx 1 points 2 years ago* (last edited 2 years ago)

Cool idea!! I'm working through It's Always Sunny season 16 and this anime called Tengoku Daimakyou.

The Sunny guys are such gremlins but it's so fun to watch. And the anime is really charming, it nails that post-apocalyptic but chill vibe, kinda like Cowboy Bebop / Black Lagoon / Samurai Champloo. Like welp the worst has already happened, we might as well get comfortable. With a few excellent storytelling elements too.

Fun fact, the Champloo in Samurai Champloo comes from our "campur" (チャンプルー is an Okinawan mixed stir fry)

[-] dcx 1 points 2 years ago

How are you finding your stainless steel? What kind of pan is it?

I have a great cast iron but it's a chunky boi and a pain to clean. So I always end up using some lazy little pan instead

[-] dcx 1 points 2 years ago* (last edited 2 years ago)

Finally had some space to reply!

Re: Why now

  • First, I feel like we're still at a very dangerous point, where if this place gets quiet for a few days, or some dumb thing happens (like minor drama), or 2-3 regular commenters quit the site, enough people may drift away that the site can go into a death spiral and not recover. We're much safer than we were a week ago. But we are not safe yet. I have a very strong instinct about this: building a community is like kindling a fire. It's easy to keep a strong fire burning. Users get a lot of value from a big site (e.g. people are hating reddit but still visit). But a small flame goes out in one small gust. The more users we have, the more wind resistant we will be.
  • Second, I feel we need to get in the habit / practice of having regular user inflows from larger channels. I feel that passive word-of-mouth growth is not trustworthy for sustaining us over longer periods, and I would like the site to be larger to avoid a death spiral. And the sooner we do it, the better for us. More users means more content, means funner site! And sure the site's a little undercooked now, but it's always going to be undercooked in some ways... and more importantly, the people who join at the early promo waves are the type of people we need anyway. Research in marketing has shown that (1) early adopters are okay with things being janky (they prioritise novelty more), and (2) it takes 1-2 dozen exposures to a product or service before mainstream users will give it a try. So the users we get in early promotion waves will be the right ones!
  • I agree that the site seems to be starting to show signs of growth though via our passive flows! The main numbers I am watching are the daily active users count + daily thread comment counts, and these have been sitting very still until just recently. That's the thing that was giving me concern. (Like, if we are seeing new names pop up, and the daily actives aren't going up, that means we're churning users quite hard...)

Re: !Malaysia

  • I agree that this is not ideal given we have so many other overlapping subs. I tried crossposting and that sucked, it creates a whole new and separate empty comments section.
  • But I still strongly believe that we should have a country-level "subreddit replacement". Without this, there is no obvious flagship country community for Malaysia who come to the Lemmyverse via other channels than r/Malaysia. We're doing our country a disservice by not having this; I'm willing to do a little legwork to fix this issue.
  • I'm looking into ways to work around this. There may be a technical solution. Maybe we can create a "virtual" community, which aggregates the feeds of a few real subs. Or less good, maybe we can relocate !news. Country-level subs have different characters on reddit, and some countries do pure news subs. It's not necessarily wrong. E.g. r/Australia is very news heavy, most of the more cosy stuff happens in state or city-level subs.
[-] dcx 1 points 2 years ago

A late vote of agreement – events could be a really fun weekly post or standalone subreddit!

[-] dcx 1 points 2 years ago* (last edited 2 years ago)

I've been thinking about this. This is an excellent question and I don't have a good answer yet.

  • Unsafe stuff is part of the human experience. It seems artificial and a little sad to block off this whole aspect of being a person
  • Reddit proves that it's possible to host this content without degenerating
  • Not to mention this might be a kinda fun way of growing the userbase if done right. I remember that laporan kongkek era haha
  • But I am very concerned that hosting this would skew the composition of the userbase and overall frontpage in unhealthy ways
  • Not to mention create some very gross and annoying kinds of administrative work
  • I also agree that it's wise to have a decision about this upfront. Either decision will annoy a fair chunk of the userbase, and each have very different implications. So we should be extra thoughtful and strategic.

What is your opinion?

[-] dcx 1 points 2 years ago* (last edited 2 years ago)

Interesting take! Hmmm I'm not confident that we're ready to try moving everyone over in bulk yet. I am hearing a lot of noise from less technical users. And I'm finding Lemmy really is still quite rough around the edges. Especially around end user polish, federation to main subs, etc. My concern is that if we force things, we could lose 80% of the userbase in the transition. But love to hear other thoughts.

Have assembled a post specifically for us to think through our future direction – currently pinned!

[-] dcx 1 points 2 years ago

Oh, thanks for letting me know!

Hmm the other option would be to upgrade and temporarily require email signups until 0.18.1 drops. I'm suspicious about whether email is properly configured though - will try that route too.

[-] dcx 1 points 2 years ago

Lemmy jank. These kinds of things will be fixed over time! Reddit was real janky when it first started too!

[-] dcx 1 points 2 years ago

There are scripts like this - https://github.com/SleeplessOne1917/lemmy-bot

But I don't think this can be given to individual community mods yet, as it needs to be installed on the server itself.

Am hoping the pace of development is faster than reddit's mod tools now that there is a lot of interest!

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