I like chicken, I like liver....
He still is republican.
Hello Everynyan! How are you? Fine senk you.
I’m fairly certain that’s related to the Canon BJC driver issues I had upgrading my AST to Windows 95.
I had the biggest flashback right now. I had a Canon BJC 4000 that would only print all the pages if you had two or more empty pages at the end of the document. Never figured that one out, but every so often I open an old Word Doc and find extra empty pages and remember....
If i said you have a nice body would you take off your clothes and do a little dance?
I feel like I am missing A LOT of context.
"I don't like attention."
-- Guy that gave multiple interviews about all the attention he is getting.
More like David Cop-a-feel?
That was a (pardon the pun) cool read, if a bit morbid.
Eat pasta, drive fasta.
Yes. But science knew about the Prime Minister.
What the kibble sees....