I remember seeing an edited video of Bonnie Henry saying "I think we're in a good place now" before subsequently removing masking requirements and covid restrictions, and it was repeated on about five different occasions when they would walk masking/restrictions back, then re-enforce them, then walk them back again, then reinforce them, wave after wave, etc ... I guess we are not currently in a good place. Give it a couple months.
fucking god damnit I'm a please forgive me
Pretty sure most Libs consider her word to be sacrosanct. Or, at the very least, the "everything that causes cognitive dissonance in my brain is Russian disinformation" worldview.
That neckgina though 😳🥵
I don't mean to be the guy but that would pretty much guarantee a Conservative majority at this point if an election were called.
Pretty amazing that the NDP haven't been able to pick up one single percentage point of national support during this whole time. They've hovered at 16-18% basically forever, with the singular exception of the 2011 election.
I think he forgot where he was at least like 3 or 4 times, and you could see him then listening to his earpiece, someone was presumably cluing him back into reality.
I had a nice shot of genuine Cuban Havana Club to toast his death
Please elaborate
That is true