If there is fucking ANYWHERE that the poor and marginalized should be allowed to set up its in the fucking park built over this neighborhood.
I'm sure if Haniyeh were still alive he would certainly agree with you.
If there is fucking ANYWHERE that the poor and marginalized should be allowed to set up its in the fucking park built over this neighborhood.
I'm sure if Haniyeh were still alive he would certainly agree with you.
The cuts to wild fire services is just insane. That’s what happens when you elect an antivaxx homeschooled evangelical conspiracy theory believing soccer mom as premier.
Personally I think at this point we need provincial wild fire corps that people could join like the military, even give them kick ass uniforms and shit. All summer is fighting fires, winter is preparing for next year and travelling to Southern Hemisphere to help out 🫡
the only reason it's a bad joke is because we all knew what the punchline was before we even clicked
otherwise, it's
That's awesome, but doesn't Cuba have a pretty chronic problem with electricity supply? IIRC they get a lot of it from burning Venezuelan fossil fuels.
That ~5 seconds where the camera went over the map on his desk was the most interesting part of the entire season.
And, not about racism per se, but Fidel the Untold Story does a great job at explaining the Cuban revolution, and I have successfully changed the mine of at least 1 (one) liberal with it.
100% yes. Was in a hotel lobby once, complete stranger (white middle aged woman) hits me up as we are both waiting around doing nothing, took her less than ten minutes to start complaining about how there are too many asians and vaccines cause autism.
As a Canadian I usually shy away from confrontation but I straight up told her she was incredibly racist and just left the room lol.
they would turn Finland, the Ukraine, Poland, Lithuania, the Baltic countries, the Caucasus, etc., into so many faithful allies of the Russian Revolution, we have instead witnessed the opposite spectacle. One after another, these “nations” used the freshly granted freedom to ally themselves with German imperialism against the Russian Revolution as its mortal enemy, and, under German protection, to carry the banner of counter-revolution into Russia itself.
How tf was this written in 1909?
Ok I combined the three done so far into one image, let's try to use this comment thread for improvements
The rona is really making a comeback lately eh. Just in time for school to start back up
Because of the implication