[-] slevinkelevra@sh.itjust.works 12 points 1 day ago

Thank you very much for your kind words. I hope she'll be as happy in her new garden when I move even if it is smaller. It'll definitely be a better apartment for her as I'm moving into my hometown (small city of 13k people), as she'll have by far more visitors then currently.

submitted 1 day ago* (last edited 19 hours ago) by slevinkelevra@sh.itjust.works to c/cat@lemmy.world

English/German as always. Expand for embedded pic+video+text

When I first let Miez into the garden she was afraid my landlord (who lives below). Even though she loves meeting new people inside my apartment it took her over a year to befriend him.

Meine (sonst reine) Wohnungskatze traut sich viel mehr seit sie in den Garten darf

Anfangs hatte Miez große Angst vor meinem Vermieter (der im Erdgeschoß wohnt). Obwohl sie sich in der Wohnung jedem neuen Besuch anbiedert hat sie draußen über ein Jahr gebraucht sich mit ihm anzufreunden.

Also after now two years of almost daily garden time she just started climbing trees. She meows a lot at me and I talk to her reassuringly so that my old gal of almost 11 years of age doesn't panic.

Nun nach zwo Jahren fast täglicher Gartenbesuche fängt sie sogar an von alleine auf Bäume zu klettern. Sie maunzt dabei oft und ich rede ihr ermutigend zu damit sie schön ruhig bleibt.

[-] slevinkelevra@sh.itjust.works 1 points 5 days ago

You're completely leaving out why they are doing this and that the €XU are the ones trying to fish votes from far right by doing exactly the same thing: Taking the far right talking points as their own and making a policy trying to "fix" those issues. So then SPD is trying to fish votes from right next to them and become more rightwing themselves. Etc. In the end there is no real left wing party anymore, just dumb Putin worshippers and guess who wins? Still the far right, and everybody is like: How could this have been prevented? My point being: All the established parties play the same game not realizing that if you play by the far rights rules you cannot win at all. It's not at all unique to the current government.


English/German as always

As an in-house + garden cat, she never caught a bird outside (only one plus a bat that were unfortunate enough to fly into my apartment), which I'm quite happy with. There are tons of mice in the garden and she got quite good at catching those. In October I'll move to a new place in my birth town (small city). Hope she'll be happy with the new garden. If not, then there's always my sister's garden about 100m further so I can take her there on foot.

Miez hat ein neues Lieblingsversteck neben dem Vogelfütterungshaus meiner Nachbarn Als Hauskatze mit Gartenzugang hat sie zum Glück draußen noch nie nen Vogel gefangen (innen schon nen Vogel plus ne Fledermaus die unglücklicherweise in meine Wohnung geflogen sind). Es gibt eine Flut am Mäusen, bei denen sie sich schon gut bedient hat. Anfang Oktober ziehe ich in meine neue Bude in meiner Heim-Kleinstadt. Ich hoffe der neue Garten gefällt ihr. Wenn nicht kann ich die jederzeit in den größeren Garten meiner Schwester bringen die ca. 100 Meter weiter wohnt.


Today he went back to his home, I'll miss this big cuddly softy dearly. His sister Miez is glad she's the ruler of my flat again.

[-] slevinkelevra@sh.itjust.works 15 points 2 weeks ago

Why does this post not show any picture? And why has it been upvoted?

submitted 2 weeks ago* (last edited 2 weeks ago) by slevinkelevra@sh.itjust.works to c/pics@lemmy.world

From Wiki:

The Wiener Riesenrad (German: [ˈviːnɐ ˈʁiːzn̩ˌʁaːd]; 'Vienna Giant [Ferris] Wheel'), or simply Riesenrad, is a 64.75-metre (212 ft) tall Ferris wheel at the entrance of the Prater amusement park in Leopoldstadt, the 2nd district of Austria's capital Vienna. It is one of Vienna's most popular tourist attractions, and symbolises the district as well as the city for many people. Constructed in 1897, it was the world's tallest extant Ferris wheel from 1920 until 1985.

submitted 2 weeks ago* (last edited 2 weeks ago) by slevinkelevra@sh.itjust.works to c/cat@lemmy.world

Expand for all vids/images + text. My imgur app didn't successfully upload albums anymore till the last update so this now my first post in a while. Hope you enjoy.

English/German as always.

My cat doesn't like the sound either but isn't afraid at all while my sister's cats Timmy (left) and Lucy (right) are very much so.

Staubsaugen ist angesagt - meine Katze Miez gegenüber den Katzen meiner Schwester. Meine Katze mag zwar die Lautstärke auch nicht, hat aber keine Angst. Die Katzen Timmy (links) und Lucy (rechts) hingegen haben sehrwohl Angst.

August is cat sitting time due to various vacations. My parents are currently sittng the brother and sister pair Timmy...

Im August ist urlaubsbedingt Katzen hüten angesagt. Meine Eltern passen gerade auf das Bruder-Schwester-Paar meiner Schwester Timmy...

...and Lucy. Since my sister isn't great at training cats, so they are allowed on the kitchen counter which mine isn't. My parents aren't happy about this but gave in.

...und Lucy auf. Da meine Schwester nicht gut im Katzen erziehen ist, dürfen ihre auch auf die Küchenablage während meine dies nicht darf. Meine Eltern sind darüber nicht glücklich aber was willste machen... Was Hänschen nicht lernt lernt Hans nimmer mehr.

My mom's tripawd Franka is perfectly comfortable in tight spaces only, so she doesn't mind having only one room to herself. Franka gets along with Miez but not the others.

Die dreibeininge Katze meiner Eltern fühlt sich in engen Höhlen am wohlsten also macht es ihr auch nichts aus nur einen Raum zur Verfügung zu haben. Franka kommt mit Miez gut aus aber nicht mit den anderen.

My cat Miez is ususally free to roam the house, but Lucy attacks her, so right now she has a room to herself if nobody is there to watch them. Timmy is totally chill towards all and everything, maybe over time this could work out like it now does with Miez and Franka (it took them a few years and visits).

Meine Katze Miez darf im Normalfall durchs ganze Haus stöbern aber da Lucy sie attackiert geht dies nun nur unter Aufsicht. Timmy ist ganz gelassen allen gegenüber, also würden mit mehr Zeit vermutlich auch alle miteinander auskommen wie Miez und Franka nun (nach einigen Jahren und Besuchen).

Miez is staying at my parents as I'm currently sitting her brother Koda...

Miez muss gerade bei meinen Eltern bleiben da ich gerade ihren Bruder Koda...

...and his little companion Lilly. They are both my former cats as well but Koda and Miez didn't get along anymore while Lilly totally loves Koda so I had to give them away. Luckily I found them a new home with friends of mine so I can visit them from time to time.

...und seine kleine Kunpanin Lilly hüte. Sie waren beide Mal meine Katzen aber Koda und Miez haben sich nur noch gezofft also musste ich sie trennen. Lilly liebt Koda über alles und ich bin froh darüber dass Freunde von mir die beiden bei sich aufgenommen haben. Abseits vom Hüten kann ich sie so ab und an besuchen.

Edit: Bonus:

Since Miez is such a good girl that she doesn't stroll away even if she could, I let her into my parents garden. Lucy was not happy about Miez's privilege.

Da Miez so brav ist und nicht abhaut obwohl die könnte habe ich sie heute in den Garten meiner Eltern gelassen. Vor allem Lucy war von der Bevorteiligung nicht begeistert.

submitted 3 weeks ago* (last edited 3 weeks ago) by slevinkelevra@sh.itjust.works to c/pics@lemmy.world

View from the Danube tower at about 150 meters of its total 252 meters height over Vienna in direction of the vinyards. Pic taken today.

Bonus: Pic from above the vinyards in the opposite direction (taken four days ago)

submitted 3 weeks ago* (last edited 3 weeks ago) by slevinkelevra@sh.itjust.works to c/pics@lemmy.world

Mostly black and white picture of a Flak tower with green ivy next to the words never again. IMO it's kind of fitting that the words never again are a bit grown over when FPÖ and AFD are on the rise. Plus I've found this clear answer sprayed on a shopping parking lot next to the question "Nazis vote FPÖ, you as well?"


English/German as always. Expand for embedded video. Sound on for her soft purring.

Does anybody know what the paw resting on my arm means? She usually doesn't do this.

ich bin gerade krank zu Hause. Meine Dame Miez passt gut auf mich auf. Ton an für ihr sanftes Schnurren.

Weiß jemand was ihre Pfote auf meinem Arm bedeutet? Sie macht das normalerweise nicht

[-] slevinkelevra@sh.itjust.works 88 points 2 months ago

That's a weird flex, but you made me laugh.

submitted 2 months ago* (last edited 2 months ago) by slevinkelevra@sh.itjust.works to c/cat@lemmy.world

English/German as always. Expand for embedded video. Hope this video works as imgur is having some issues right now.

Träum was Schönes, Miez! Hoffe das Video spielt ab, imgur hat anscheinend gerade Server-Probleme

submitted 3 months ago* (last edited 3 months ago) by slevinkelevra@sh.itjust.works to c/cat@lemmy.world

Expand for all images+text. English/German as always.

Usually my mom's tripawed cat Franka keeps to herself and hides under the blanket on my mom's bed. When she wants some attention she switches to the couch.

Zwei Katzen und ein Platz an der Sonne Franka, die dreibeinige Katze meiner Mutter, lebt normalerweise sehr zurückgezogen indem sie sich unter der Bettdecke versteckt. Wenn sie Aufmerksamkeit braucht wechselt sie auf die Couch.

In the sun she even tolerates some vincity to my cat Miez.

In der Sonne lässt sie sogar zu dass Miez ihr etwas näher kommt.

However when Miez saw a butterfly (zoom in) and rushed to the terrace door right next to Franka that was a little too close for her comfort so she jumped up and hissed at Miez.

Als Miez jedoch einen Schmetterling (reinzoomen!) sah und an nahe Franka vorbei zur Terassentür rannte wurde es Franka zu eng. Sie sprang auf und fauchte Miez an.

Miez and the butterfly

Miez und der Schmetterling

Miez didn't care though and happily took advantage of the free space in the beam of sunlight.

Miez war das egal und erfreute sich an dem freien Sonnenplatz.

Franka hopped back to the couch.

Franka hoppelte zurück aufs Sofa.

I moved the rocking chair so that the both of them can enjoy the sunlight. However Franka did not return.

Ich hab' den Schaukelstuhl beiseite geschoben um beiden einen Sonnenplatz zu ermöglichen. Franka ging jedoch nicht zurück.

Even though I brush Miez regularly her thick fur gets warm really quick so she abandons the sun for her favourite box.

Obwohl ich Miez regelmäßig bürste wird ihr dickes Fell schnell zu warm und sie zieht sich aus der Sonne zurück in ihren Lieblingskarton.

submitted 3 months ago* (last edited 3 months ago) by slevinkelevra@sh.itjust.works to c/pics@lemmy.world

Pic taken at the river Altmühl ("old mill") in Wasserzell ("water cell" more likely from cellar/storage room) near Eichstätt ("oaktown"), Bavaria, Germany (at about 6 a.m.)

submitted 3 months ago* (last edited 3 months ago) by slevinkelevra@sh.itjust.works to c/pics@lemmy.world

Pic taken on top of the Frauenberg (hill of our dear lady, the chapel carries the same name) in Eichstätt, Bavaria, Germany. Hope you enjoy. AlexSlapnuts on imgur painted my pic in watercolor, which is very pretty, too:

[-] slevinkelevra@sh.itjust.works 14 points 4 months ago

you misspelled papered

[-] slevinkelevra@sh.itjust.works 26 points 5 months ago

Ich glaube nicht, dass dieser Typ dumm ist. Dazu ist er viel zu wortgewandt und vieles mehr. Der Rest hingegen ist Tatsache.

[-] slevinkelevra@sh.itjust.works 35 points 6 months ago

Die Allianz so:

[-] slevinkelevra@sh.itjust.works 84 points 7 months ago

Finally an article mentioning that CDU members were also present and supporting the plans of the AfD. They are the enablers and cause for the "Rechtsruck" with their policies and rhetoric, trying to fish for far right votes for years.

[-] slevinkelevra@sh.itjust.works 64 points 9 months ago* (last edited 9 months ago)

Yeah, but you cut off the most insane part:

"What did you say?" Fannell asked.

"I said you're fine until I kill you," Cardana said.

"All right? He's threatened to do that," Fannell said to the Rio Rancho police officers.

"Get out of here now," Cardana said to the officers. "Go away."

The two officers leave, and four hours later, 911 receives another call.

Just... wow. Gun nuts will never do anything against other gun nuts I guess.

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