I like it
Death, Black, Grindcore, Slam, blackened deathmetal, shoegaze, Deathgaze…hit me up :D
Keep in mind:
Although consuming this ingredient can put you at risk for digestive issues, one potential xylitol benefit seems to be its ability to improve oral health.
This appears to be widely held by most health care professionals and dentists. In fact, the dental community is one of its biggest supports of xylitol because of its reported ability to prevent cavities.
For example, according to a study published in the Journal of Dental Education, “The replacement of sucrose with sorbitol and xylitol may significantly decrease the incidence of dental caries.”
Research tells us that xylitol may be able to help prevent cavities because it cannot be metabolized by plaque bacteria, unlike other forms of sugar. This means that it can have beneficial effects on the oral flora (microbes living in your mouth) not shared by other sweeteners.
Because mouth bacteria can’t use xylitol as a source of energy, it may help prevent tooth decay (such as bacteria like Streptococcus mutans) and the buildup of plaque on your teeth.
Interesting, there are conflicting reports, and we cannot jump to the conclusion that xylitol is completely effective at keeping cavities at bay. In the words of a frequently cited review in the journal Caries Research, “There is no evidence for a caries-therapeutic effect of xylitol,”which makes us wonder what side of the coin to believe.
Overall, sugar-free xylitol chewing gum and the amount used to sweeten toothpaste or mouthwash seems to be relatively harmless, but it’s still not recommended to consume this ingredient in large amounts from foods.
Oh no…Apple is losing money.
Staying at the hospital :D No…it wasn’t a planned trip
I’m more of a spontaneous guy
Go fuck yourself Linus
Yeah…they don‘t. …let me clarify: at least in Germany they won’t. It’s a pain in the Ass here. All the conversations about weed in Germany is just so old fashioned. But hey, when you are 16 on Germany you can drink wine and beer till you die
Look how we saving all this animals in there cages and tanks. With all this cool Aquaparks and Zoos and whatever.
Bullshit industry
Fucking sad is this…
Ja Moinsen.
Bis einschließlich 6.11. krank geschrieben (autoimmune Lebergeschichte) Bedeutet Haushalt und sich um den Hund kümmern. Ehefrau verdient eh die meisten Brötchen. Ansonsten bin ich schon seit Jahren Gewichte am heben (Powerlifting) und die Krankheit bremst mich hart und hat mich auch schon einige Male ordentlich ausgelaugt, allerdings starte ich dann immer wieder von neuem und arbeite mich langsam hoch. Daher besteht meine Woche eigentlich nur aus: Haushalt, Powerlifting, Hund und hier und da wird ein bisschen gezockt und gelesen.