Literally cannot bare it anymore.
When I wipe my butt it starts to fucking bleed, it's horrible. Like, I don't want to get into details, but after a few wipes it starts hurting and the paper wipes get bloody. Imagine wiping your ass with sandpaper, it's basically that, but somehow replicated with regular toilet paper.
I have to go shower every single time I poo to actually clean my butt.
As of writing this, it's 1 A.M and I just pooed, couldn't wipe as usual, but as I mentioned, it's 1 A.M. If I were to attempt to clean myself in the shower, i'd wake everyone up. So, i can't rinse butt,.
I am writing this with a half wiped butt. Buy me a bidet, please
Is this how Americans live?
This sounds less bidet more go see a doctor, but I assume that is not possible because of healthcare costs
i mean i kind of assumed that the op was exaggerating, but if he is unironic - he should probably see if he has butt cancer ig