Fears of peace talks with Putin rise amid US squabbling
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Yes Ukraine is free to ignore them. The western coalition funding Ukraine's war effort is also free to stop doing so. I'm not saying this to express that I wish Ukraine to be pressured to settle, but instead to highlight that Ukraine is not a self-reliant actor in this conflict.
Here, in the US, people have difficulty accepting that America doesn't have direct influence on all other nations.
Wasn't Ukraine willing to have peace talks last year until our good pal Boris Johnson came in and wrecked it all?
I believe the peace talks fell apart once they discovered evidence of all the rape and murder committed by the russians.
Do you know anything about Ukraine or what Zelensky campaigned on for his election campaign? Do you know what Ukranians want? Are you Ukrainian?
I know they consider themselves a free, self-governing nation who can negotiate their own terms.
Russia seems to be completely reliant on others economically and militarily also, but that doesn't seem to matter to you
Russia has its own military industrial complex that it inherited from USSR that currently outproduces all of NATO, and Russian economy is currently growing according to the IMF. If you can't understand the difference between that and Ukraine then what else is there to say.
Russian MIC innovations (from the USSR days) was largely driven by Ukrainians, but that's neither here nor there.
What Russia has are deep stores. They cannot produce new aircraft without importing parts from the west. Not fixed or rotary. They are ramping up production of missiles, but so is Ukraine.
Russia cannot even produce ball bearings. They aren't producing new APCs, BMPs or MBTs. They are importing ammo from North Korea ffs. And seeing how badly their equipment has performed, I expect to see their weapons exports collapse. Their vaunted "Armata" turned out to completely suck.
As for the economy, it is being artificially propped up by depleting foreign reserves. They are currently over-borrowing yuan to attempt to correct. And you really have to be a complete idiot to believe any official Russian data.
Russia is holding on for dear life in the hope that Trump wins the elections.
It's almost like we live on different planets.
Imagine genuinely believing all that. It's pretty amazing to see what guzzling western propaganda out of a firehose does to a mf.
Hah yeah you're right, the only truth comes from the Kremlin.
No, the truth is well documented in western media once you learn to read past the spin. Everything I said is openly admitted by mainstream western publications.
It really isn't.
Russia has failed every single expectation. It is so bad, Ukraine sent an official thank you letter to Russia's Defense Minister Shoigu for being so corrupt and incompetent that it allowed Ukraine to defend itself.
That's obviously what you've convinced yourself of and I doubt there's anything that will change your mind until Ukraine ceases to exist as a country. Thanks to gullible westerners such as yourself countless thousands will die and millions will have their lives ruined in the process. One day you'll have to live with supporting continuation of this atrocity.
What I hear from you is "Ukrainians must submit to the will of Putin or die". As if they are children who don't get to decide for themselves.
Just like you see the Buryats, Dagestanis, Chechens, Tatars, and hundreds other peoples' crushed under Russians' bloodstained boots.
No fucking wonder every single nation occupied by Russia in the past centuries who managed to gain their freedom hates Russia's fucking guts.
YOU tankie morons won't change your mind until Russia ceases to exist, which, if Russia continues this stupid war, might come sooner than you think. Prigozhin wasn't the only opposition to Putin in the state.
Tankies are hilarious. They think all these ex-soviet states have love for Russia.
They say that Putin was forced into this conflict by NATO/US shenanigans. So if we take that at face value it means that Putin fell for one the oldest political exploits in the world. Grand master strategist right there.
Tankies sure are dumb as shoes. What's scary is you get the edgy communist ones and the crazy fat right ones, that somehow agree.
The sad part is that you don't even realize just how deranged you are.
I'll believe you the day Russian leaders stop lying like they breathe.
Imagine thinking your leaders aren't doing the same. When this war ends hopefully you'll have the decency to do some retrospection and ask yourself how you ended up believing utter nonsense. I doubt it though, when the west gets involved in the next war, people like you are going to be cheering it on once again having learned absolutely nothing.
Please, what nonsense?
I don't believe shit from any government. I will on the other hand be informed by history and diverse news orgs that aren't dictated to by the mafia like RT
And your not answering any of my points lol. All i'm getting from you is "imagine thinking Ukrainians shouldn't be Russian slaves! What an idiot!!"
You haven't made any points, and you've made it abundantly clear that discussion with you is pointless. You'll see what actually happens soon enough, but enjoy being an insufferable piece of shit until then.
What fucking discussion?
"It's totally natural to invade a country, rape and torture its people, kidnap the children, destroy everything we can't have"? Get fucked.
You're shilling for a pile of immoral, barbaric thieves. While 25% of Russian citizens (mostly ethnic minorities of course) shit in a hole in the ground for lack of plumbing, Putin and his Mafia collect yachts and private jets. And you can't criticize, protest or complain or he'll have you killed.
Fuck Russia. Even my Russian friends agree - fuck Russia. I have both Ukranian and Russian colleagues, and they are friends because - get this - the Russians don't think the Ukranians should submit or die.
Hell, the Russian guys think Russia as it is is a shithole of epic shitness, and will never go back. Like 300,000 other expats since this war started, plus the 200,000 or so dead in Ukraine because Putin has a small penis or whatever.
Fuck. Russia. There is a reason every single ex USSR country that could, joined NATO as soon as they could. You are the idiot who can't see what's right in front of your face. Every ex "partner" wants nothing to do with that shithole. Even Belorus wanted out, it took the Russian army invading to force the Belorussians into slavery after Lukashenko lost his election and cheated, and plenty of them are now in Ukraine fighting Russia for their own freedom. Even Armenia now understands that Russia isn't a partner for shit.
You still think Russia is winning, you are that dense. "Kyiv in a week" has turned into ever-shrinking occupied territory and continued barbaric torture and bombing of civilians and now grain export infrastructure, because that's all Russia can do. The "2nd army in the world" lost 50% of its Airforce and Armour in a year (including several strategic bombers) plus its naval flagship, and a bunch of generals and senior colonels, and seen a mutiny which killed a bunch of pilots among others, against a military with barely an air force no Navy, and with one hand tied behind its back. Russia is getting fucked worse than in Afghanistan, and it will only get worse.
Even if we took everything a tankie says at face value it still fails at one simple point.
It's not ok to invade a sovereign nation. The US has been wrong about doing this, Russia is currently doing it, etc,etc.
Russian Achilles just don't see Ukrainians as humans, which fits their history of trying to wipe out Ukrainians and Poles....
sad part is that you are a shill
Growing in the sense that it has lost growth year over year.
4.3% in 2021 2.4% in 2022 1.8% in 2023
inb4 you whataboutism with some other country.....
and US mainstream media is now saying what I've been saying here for a while you've been ridiculing https://www.19fortyfive.com/2023/09/with-all-due-respect-to-ukraines-foreign-minister-we-will-not-shut-up/
This is an economic war with the west, so yeah obviously what matters is whether Russian economy is doing better or worse than western economies. Screeching whataboutism when faced with that really highlights the quality of your intellect.
using disorders as an insult is ableist
Did Putin campaign on committing genocide? Is that what Russians want? I don't think so.
Strawman argument you're not worth engaging with.
I'm just mirroring your comment.
I know it's hard for a NAFO bot to understand, but Ukraine lost its sovereignty when US overthrew the democratically elected government in a violent coup.