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Boomers* are the most miserable people on the planet. I've never seen a group so ready to kill themselves and everyone around them.
*Western boomers
They directly robbed from their children via the economy and indirectly robbed from them by destroying the environment. Caligula would blush at their wanton debauchery.
I think this was said on Chapo awhile ago, but boomers are willing to stack millions of corpses on the southern border so they can live in their Floridian retirement communities that will be underwater in a decade. I don't like to engage in generational politics but western boomers are largely ghoulish, soulless individuals who think they're the only "real" person and everyone else exists to serve them in one way or another
It's okay to point out that out, "generational politics" doesn't really mean anything when the people you're talking about regularly engage in reactionary thought and practices.
Western Boomers are unapologetically reactionary
The people who live to see boomer old age are largely the ones being served. The servant boomers are all dying off. That’s why the concentration of the archetype you describe exists among the old.
Capitalism literally kills the poor sooner.
Nah Boomers always sucked. Reagan won the youth vote, the based boomers were always a tiny minority.
Baby boomers were mostly a western phenomenon anyway.
We do have them in eastern Europe too, it's the generation born in 40's and 50's, so roughly equivalent, which didn't personally knew war and nazism, was first generation profiting from the unprecedented social equality and growth under socialism, reciving education, jobs, housing, help in raising family, economical stabilisation. And then they shat down on this under western propaganda offensive and sold their countries and next generations for the trinkets and baubles promised to them by Radio Free Europe.
Ethnic boomers scare tf outta me, God forbid you bring up mental health
Polish, and other eastern European boomers did killed the socialism in their countries over treats promises by RFE so i don't see meaningful difference.