Biden is toast with people under 45 isn't he?
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this is my last election as an under 45, but i haven't voted for a major party for El Presidente since Obozo's first term, let me be clear. i thought he was gonna close gitmo.
i work with a bunch of PMC types in the non profit / give a fuck sector, so they are generally younger than me by 10-20 years. there are only a few committed turbolibs, who like brag about their connections to the local DNC franchise. legit cringe. i think probably there's a chunk that are more fearful of another trump term than a biden term and don't see a path out, though we all live in a safely red state with just a handful of electoral votes anyway so the emotional investment is non existent for anyone with a functioning mind. so basically, the bulk of the over 45 professionals are all visibly wigging the fuck out about another trump term, to our incredulity. i bet if i told any of the well remunerated / wealthy Gen Xers that i wasn't gonna vote for biden, they would burst a blood vessel.
what would be amusing to me would be if biden loses, but the dems pick up seats in the house and senate that some kind of antagonistic coalition can form with the numbers to override presidential vetos and fuck with the courts. i don't think it's feasible and would probably only do terrible things, but it would be funny.