The tragedy of himbo death
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It feels odd to presume every women that I talk about such topics with because we have close, personal friendships would lie to me about it. It's not like I haven't heard them saying things about Jack Black not suitable to be repeated in polite company after some drinks. And hell, on the scale of Ryan Gosling to Jack Black I definitely trend towards Gosling, not jack.
it's not that they're lying, it's that wE LiVe iN a SoCiETy that makes women feel bad for lusting after hot men, so they would reflexively say that jack black is more attractive to them when put in that situation.
Most women I know are very upfront about being attracted to people purely because of their bodies.
Most men I know are very upfront about there being more qualities than just aesthetics that are determining for wether or not they're attracted to someone.
Most everybody likes to look at pretty people. Most everybody have more criteria than "pretty" for when they determine wether or not to hook up with someone, it's not something that's unique to any gender.