Percentage of Each State Taken Up by Corn Fields
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TIL most US corn is Republican
The second highest on this map, illinois, is a Dem state
To be fair, the corn isn’t growing in the blue part of Illinois
Yes it is. As a resident, I can attest that the corn is growing about damn near everywhere.
Never been to Chicagoland? Every empty field is filled in with corn. Smash a gas station flat? Now it's a cornfield.
Multiple counties in Illinois voted in favor of exploring secession from the state because they don't like how Chicago turns the state blue. It would definitely be a red state without us.
Every state would be a red state without the major cities.
Except Massachusetts apparently.
I find that interesting yet hard to believe.
I tried to search for the info but Google is failing me and I'm too lazy to click a bunch of States on an interactive map.
It's funny that they need all those dirty tricks when they already have the massive electoral college advantage.
And then all that pales in comparison to people not voting. Needs to be mandatory like Australia. Send in a blank ballot if you're so against it but you will do it.
Oh yeah shit could get real wild. My wife, previously annoyed at best with my guns, just bought a pistol that's appropriate for her small hands. I'm going to get a good rifle. If you are scared of guns try a class. They don't need to be scary once you understand how to be safe.
Get armed, just in case.
Only because of Chicago & C(r)ook County. Virtually the rest of Illinois is red.
Yup, and Michigan and Wisconsin are swing states. It’s still the vast majority.
still majority yes, but also minnesota is a solid blue state. It’s maybe like a 75/25 split which isn’t that radical.
In fact, of the yellows, there are 3 Democratic, 2 Swing States, and 5 Republican.
I only found Minnesota and Illinois as consistently Democratic voting states. What’s the third?
Edit: I just saw Delaware.
How does Nebraska factor? Last election they were 2 votes blue three votes red.