Was really having trouble wrapping my head around this until I realized that there's a continuous sentence that crosses over the post barrier. I.E. the second post is not the start of a new sentence.
It's rather common Knowledge that NetEase does this exact thing in Narala: Bladepoint, so yeah, not surprising, at all.
I also vaguely remember this being a thing in Pokemon: Unite, not sure if that's also a NetEase game.
Let me know if there's any debugging or diagnostics I can help with on my end.
Interesting. Lemmy.world is what I use as a backup, when I can't get an upload to lemm.ee to work, eventually. Never once had an issue.
Private tracker I've been a member of for like a decade, plus a few public ones, whenever they don't have something, running through Transmission over a VPN on a file server in my basement.
Nah, I'm using the website exclusively, here.
I'll second that the most effective thing to cope with these feelings is to spread them around, I.E. get some more similar friends. You may not experience any sexual feelings for others, but the evidence suggests you do crave friendship or companionship, on some level. It'll probably take some time and effort for you to figure that out, in more detail. Maybe a larger friend group would fulfill you, maybe you really do just want one romantic, non-sexual, partner.
It is also absolutely okay to have no idea how to do this, or feel like it's impossible. Social relationships are complicated, and you have no experience. The obvious advice would be to see a therapist to guide you, but that's certainly not feasible for everyone. And unfortunately, I don't have any particular advice, myself, on how to find friends. My own small subset of friends are pretty much all encounters of convenience: classmates from college, co-workers, and parents I've met through my kid. But I would say meeting new people and looking for new potential friends is what you should try and research or experiment with.
Most christian denominations don't require celibacy, but Catholicism, which is headed by the Pope, does.
Sounds like you're a bit on the ace spectrum. Nothing wrong with that, but yes, most people find celibacy difficult.
For this topic, I think there's an extra layer on top of that where it's not just celibacy, it's an active denial of your sexuality, to an extent.
A very large portion (maybe not quite a majority) of software developers are not very good at their jobs. Just good enough to get by.
And that is entirely okay! Applies to most jobs, honestly. But there is really NO appropriate way to express that to a coworker.
I've seen way too much "just keep trying random things without really knowing what you're doing, and hope you eventually stumble into something that works" attitude from coworkers.
So, wait, Mocrosoft is finally giving us a way to fully-disable automatic Windows Updates?
A function call of "MyFunction(parameter: GLFW_TRUE)" is more readable than "MyFunction(parameter: 1)". Not by much, mind you, but if given the choice between these two, one is clearly better. It requires no assumptions about what the reader may or may not already know about the system.It communicates intent without any ambiguity.