I can believe they watch anime.
Like Goblin Slayer and Shield Hero.
Don’t think I’ve seen any anime about impregnation, the fuck are they on about?
For a lot of chuds Berserk is their favorite anime/manga and well the world of Midland is in constant war and is ruled over by masochist fascists then it's taken over by demons, said demons are overthrown, and a beautiful demon god takes over.
Wow, so uplifting.
berserk has been read by way too many edgy teens seeking to cause permanent brain damage to themselves.
Sucks because I really enjoy the manga, but I didn't discover it until I was an adult, and when I went looking for the fandom I found out it was full of toxic morons.
Problem is that a lot of people like Berserk, but due to the nature of online discourse the people who are the most prominent in the discourse are often the most annoying. If you don’t like constant rape jokes you’ll likely not be part of any of the open fandom groups. There are simply too many edgelords.
I will never forgive the folks who recommended Berserk without a CW on it because I was not prepared and was not in the headspace for it and it absolutely fucked my shit up right at the end and I will never forgive it for that
A beautiful demon god whose capitol city is modeled on Germania, a hypothetical world-capitol envisioned by the Nazis
The protagonist of Sailor Moon becomes a global monarch though
She also started out as one. There's seemingly only a brief window where the world in Sailor Moon is normal while the fated magical dictator of everything is still a child after being reincarnated, while both before and after that it's some sort of bizarre magical nightmare hell, since even the supposed utopian future bit seems to just be a tiny isolated island of magical space crystals of ontological good in a desolate post-apocalyptic wasteland.
The real question is how the world wound up normal after the magical Earth vs Moon war ended up with the Moon princess doing the Third Impact in retaliation for the invasion of the Moon.
"You idiots, don't you GET IT!? The western imperial establishment WANTS you to criticize it, and eventually overpower it! I'll show them, I'll obey norms even harder!"
This sounds like they miraculously fell for an op a couple interns at the CIA cooked up as a joke and only 4chan is dumb enough to fall for it. I can't believe we ever took 4chan seriously, especially after 2009. It's just aging millennial facebook without accounts at this point.
my favorite anime is one where someone works hard then gets impregnated
smartest cracker on the internet: "we must stabilize current society (impregnate)"
Who TF says impregnate
Honestly it's too much of a minor point to mention YYH when there are such stronger examples like One Piece, Full Metal Alchemist, Bleach (to some extent), Sakamoto Days, and so on. Naruto/Boruto is like the only really conservative manga that's big (in the action genre), not to mention big on the "impregnate" thing, and it gets routinely ridiculed because of those very traits because it just completely wastes the setting and characters.
MHA is explicitly collectivist, so it probably isn't what these guys are talking about even though I would call it conservative for other reasons. In many ways, it kind of stumbled into the most stereotypical possible set of values for a Japanese cultural export with conservative collectivism and being custodians of society, etc. Still better than atomized American conservatism.
I guess you can make an argument for Mob Psycho, but they don't really defend or improve existing institutions, they just protect humanity in general from would-be conquerors, with very little attention paid to the structures rather than individuals protected. Maybe you could say One Punch Man by a similar token, but Saitama is constantly clowning on the Hero Association by doing nothing but vibing, and the current arc in the manga and webcomic is about the Hero Association being inadequate and corrupt and being challenged by a seemingly even-more-corrupt competitor. It's pretty unclear where it's going, imo, though there's a chance it does end up extremely conservative by just re-enforcing the status quo.
Chainsaw Man is spoilers, but if you know them, it needs no explanation how not-conservative it is.
JJK? Uh, Gojo wants to use his totalizing power to reshape society and is seen as a hero for that, so he's something of a blanquist I guess. It's like Naruto in that the institutions are all fucked up, but unlike Naruto in that most of them get absolutely destroyed, albeit for various reasons. idk, maybe it is conservative, but really the main message is about being empathetic to all of humanity, even people who are different from yourself, and the other totalizing force is viewed as explicitly pitiable because he doesn't have that capacity for empathy.
Abe-ist anime gets the
Also Monster:
The main villain turns out to be a secret group's attempt to recreate Hitler, and he basically just manipulates everyone he meets to either commit murder or suicide; also it shows people from all parts of the world as being really friendly and to have a human side to them (which by the way was one of the things I hated about the live action movie Taken, which I felt depicted that people all over the world are evil and scary). It showed the people who tried to recreate Hitler were killed by him and were just losers trying to.....I can't remember, make a fourth reich or something? They also make it clear that the villain isn't genetically predisposed to evil, he's a product of environment.
The main character trying to save Hitler 2's life at the end again despite everything he'd seen and experienced was just basically peak liberalism, but I can understand it would turn off most viewers to watch the protagonist double tap the villain.
Shit. attack on titan ended up with 80 percent of humanity wiped out. Devilman earth is wiped out over and over again. Basilisk basically romereo and Juliette ending. Berserk...... Berserk.... Fuck!
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